Takip et
Juvêncio Santos Nobre
Juvêncio Santos Nobre
Department of Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Federal University of Ceará
ufc.br üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Residual analysis for linear mixed models
J Santos Nobre, J da Motta Singer
Biometrical Journal: Journal of Mathematical Methods in Biosciences 49 (6 …, 2007
Euclidean distance estimation in incomplete datasets
DPP Mesquita, JPP Gomes, AHS Junior, JS Nobre
Neurocomputing 248, 11-18, 2017
SAR image segmentation based on level set approach and {\cal G} _A^ 0 model
RCP Marques, FN Medeiros, JS Nobre
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 34 (10), 2046 …, 2011
The Harris extended exponential distribution
LGB Pinho, GM Cordeiro, JS Nobre
Communications in Statistics-Theory and methods 44 (16), 3486-3502, 2015
The gamma-exponentiated Weibull distribution
LGB Pinho, GM Cordeiro, JS Nobre
Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications 11 (4), 379-395, 2012
Leverage analysis for linear mixed models
JS Nobre, JM Singer
Journal of Applied Statistics 38 (5), 1063-1072, 2011
Graphical tools for detecting departures from linear mixed model assumptions and some remedial measures
JM Singer, FMM Rocha, JS Nobre
International Statistical Review 85 (2), 290-324, 2017
Modificações e alternativas aos testes de Levene e de Brown e Forsythe para igualdade de variâncias e médias
A Almeida, SN Elian, JS Nobre
Cook’s distance for generalized linear mixed models
LGB Pinho, JS Nobre, JM Singer
Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 82, 126-136, 2015
SAR image segmentation with Renyi's entropy
RH Nobre, FAA Rodrigues, RCP Marques, JS Nobre, JFSR Neto, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 23 (11), 1551-1555, 2016
SAR image segmentation using the roughness information
FAÁ Rodrigues, JFSR Neto, RCP Marques, FNS de Medeiros, JS Nobre
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 13 (2), 132-136, 2016
Métodos de diagnóstico para modelos lineares mistos
JS Nobre
Unpublished Master Thesis (in portuguese). IME/USP, Sao Paulo, 2004
The beta Moyal: A useful skew distribution
GM Cordeiro, JS Nobre, RR Pescim, EMM Ortega
International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Sciences 10 (2 …, 2012
Gaussian kernels for incomplete data
DPP Mesquita, JPP Gomes, F Corona, AHS Junior, JS Nobre
Applied Soft Computing 77, 356-365, 2019
Zero-adjusted reparameterized Birnbaum–Saunders regression model
V Tomazella, GHA Pereira, JS Nobre, M Santos-Neto
Statistics & Probability Letters 149, 142-145, 2019
Regression models for pretest/posttest data in blocks
JM Singer, JS Nobre, HC Sef
Statistical Modelling 4 (4), 324-338, 2004
U-tests for variance components in linear mixed models
JS Nobre, JM Singer, PK Sen
Test 22, 580-605, 2013
Diagnostic and treatment for linear mixed models
JM Singer, JS Nobre, FMM Rocha
Session CPS203 Proceedings of the ISI World Statistics Congress (59), Hong …, 2013
On the Harris-G class of distributions: general results and application
LGB Pinho, GM Cordeiro, JS Nobre
A better understanding of air quality resulting from the effects of the 2020 pandemic in a city in the equatorial region (Fortaleza, Brazil)
CA Rocha, EV Marques, RP Dos Santos, ÍS de Santiago, CLA Cavalcante, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-18, 2022
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