A strategic deployment and cluster-header selection for wireless sensor networks T Kaur, J Baek
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (4), 1890-1897, 2009
93 2009 A tree-based reliable multicast scheme exploiting the temporal locality of transmission errors J Baek, JF Paris
PCCC 2005. 24th IEEE International Performance, Computing, and …, 2005
63 2005 An auto-scaling mechanism for virtual resources to support mobile, pervasive, real-time healthcare applications in cloud computing YW Ahn, AMK Cheng, J Baek, M Jo, HH Chen
IEEE Network 27 (5), 62-68, 2013
54 2013 Dynamic cluster header selection and conditional re-clustering for wireless sensor networks J Baek, SK An, P Fisher
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (4), 2249-2257, 2010
46 2010 Motion recognition with smart phone embedded 3-axis accelerometer sensor H Cho, S Kim, J Baek, PS Fisher
2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2012
29 2012 A Heuristic Buffer Management and Retransmission Control Scheme for Tree‐Based Reliable Multicast J Baek, JF Pâris
ETRI journal 27 (1), 1-12, 2005
20 2005 A lightweight SCTP for partially reliable overlay video multicast service for mobile terminals J Baek, PS Fisher, M Jo, HH Chen
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 12 (7), 754-766, 2010
18 2010 A reliable overlay video transport protocol for multicast agents in wireless mesh networks J Baek, PS Fisher, M Jo, HH Chen
International Journal of Communication Systems 25 (5), 553-570, 2012
17 2012 A multiplayer real-time game protocol architecture for reducing network latency YW Ahn, AMK Cheng, J Baek, PS Fisher
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 55 (4), 1883-1889, 2009
17 2009 A fair transmission opportunity by detecting and punishing the malicious wireless stations in IEEE 802.11 e EDCA network Y woon Ahn, J Baek, AMK Cheng, PS Fisher, M Jo
IEEE Systems Journal 5 (4), 486-494, 2011
13 2011 Self-healing by means of runtime execution profiling MM Fuad, D Deb, J Baek
14th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT …, 2011
12 2011 A buffer management scheme for tree-based reliable multicast using infrequent acknowledgments J Baek, JF Paris
IEEE International Conference on Performance, Computing, and Communications …, 2004
12 2004 (N, 1) secret sharing approach based on steganography with gray digital images J Baek, C Kim, PS Fisher, H Chao
2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking …, 2010
10 2010 Dynamic cluster header selection with self-incentive for wireless sensor networks J Baek, SK An, PS Fisher, EJ Jones
2009 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 1-5, 2009
10 2009 Mining intelligent solution to compensate missing data context of medical IoT devices PS Fisher, J James, J Baek, C Kim
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 22, 219-224, 2018
9 2018 Survey on data hiding based on block truncation coding C Kim, CN Yang, J Baek, L Leng
Applied Sciences 11 (19), 9209, 2021
7 2021 A secure internet of things smart home network: design and configuration J Baek, MW Kanampiu, C Kim
Applied Sciences 11 (14), 6280, 2021
7 2021 Lossless Data Hiding for Binary Document Images Using -Pairs Pattern C Kim, J Baek, PS Fisher
International conference on information security and cryptology, 317-327, 2014
7 2014 A Hybrid Configuration of ACK Tree for Multicast Protocol J Baek
Proceedings of the 2002 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of …, 2002
7 2002 An enhancement of mSCTP handover with an adaptive primary path switching scheme J Baek, PS Fisher, M Jo
2010 IEEE 72nd Vehicular Technology Conference-Fall, 1-5, 2010
6 2010