Takip et
Zhenyu Jiang
Zhenyu Jiang
scut.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Three types of Portevin–Le Chatelier effects: Experiment and modelling
H Jiang, Q Zhang, X Chen, Z Chen, Z Jiang, X Wu, J Fan
Acta materialia 55 (7), 2219-2228, 2007
Study on friction and wear behavior of polyphenylene sulfide composites reinforced by short carbon fibers and sub-micro TiO2 particles
Z Jiang, LA Gyurova, AK Schlarb, K Friedrich, Z Zhang
Composites Science and Technology 68 (3), 734-742, 2008
Enhanced interphase between epoxy matrix and carbon fiber with carbon nanotube-modified silane coating
B Yu, Z Jiang, XZ Tang, CY Yue, J Yang
Composites Science and Technology 99, 131-140, 2014
Deformation in magnetorheological elastomer and elastomer–ferromagnet composite drivenby a magnetic field
GY Zhou, ZY Jiang
Smart Materials and Structures 13 (2), 309, 2004
Prediction on wear properties of polymer composites with artificial neural networks
Z Jiang, Z Zhang, K Friedrich
Composites Science and Technology 67 (2), 168-176, 2007
On the propagation and pulsation of Portevin-Le Chatelier deformation bands: An experimental study with digital speckle pattern metrology
Q Zhang, Z Jiang, H Jiang, Z Chen, X Wu
International journal of plasticity 21 (11), 2150-2173, 2005
Path-independent digital image correlation with high accuracy, speed and robustness
Z Jiang, Q Kemao, H Miao, J Yang, L Tang
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 65, 93-102, 2015
Improved bonding between PAN-based carbon fibers and fullerene-modified epoxy matrix
Z Jiang, H Zhang, Z Zhang, H Murayama, K Okamoto
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 39 (11), 1762-1767, 2008
Neural network based prediction on mechanical and wear properties of short fibers reinforced polyamide composites
Z Jiang, L Gyurova, Z Zhang, K Friedrich, AK Schlarb
Materials & Design 29 (3), 628-637, 2008
High accuracy digital image correlation powered by GPU-based parallel computing
L Zhang, T Wang, Z Jiang, Q Kemao, Y Liu, Z Liu, L Tang, S Dong
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 69, 7-12, 2015
Spatial characteristics of the Portevin-Le Chatelier deformation bands in Al-4 at% Cu polycrystals
Z Jiang, Q Zhang, H Jiang, Z Chen, X Wu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 403 (1-2), 154-164, 2005
Yield properties of closed-cell aluminum foam under triaxial loadings by a 3D Voronoi model
X Zhang, L Tang, Z Liu, Z Jiang, Y Liu, Y Wu
Mechanics of materials 104, 73-84, 2017
Long-term moisture effects on the interfacial shear strength between surface treated carbon fiber and epoxy matrix
B Yu, Z Jiang, J Yang
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 78, 311-317, 2015
Thermoforming carbon fibre-reinforced thermoplastic composites
R McCool, A Murphy, R Wilson, Z Jiang, M Price, J Butterfield, P Hornsby
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2012
SIFT-aided path-independent digital image correlation accelerated by parallel computing
J Yang, J Huang, Z Jiang, S Dong, L Tang, Y Liu, Z Liu, L Zhou
Optics and Lasers in Engineering 127, 105964, 2020
Effects of statistics of cell’s size and shape irregularity on mechanical properties of 2D and 3D Voronoi foams
L Tang, X Shi, L Zhang, Z Liu, Z Jiang, Y Liu
Acta Mechanica 225 (4-5), 1361-1372, 2014
Poly (butylene terephthalate)/silica nanocomposites prepared from cyclic butylene terephthalate
Z Jiang, S Siengchin, LM Zhou, M Steeg, J Karger-Kocsis, HC Man
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 40 (3), 273-278, 2009
Mechanical and thermal properties of polyphenylene sulfide/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites
Z Jiang, P Hornsby, R McCool, A Murphy
Journal of applied polymer science 123 (5), 2676-2683, 2012
Equal noise resistance of two mainstream iterative sub-pixel registration algorithms in digital image correlation
W Chen, Z Jiang, L Tang, Y Liu, Z Liu
Experimental Mechanics 57, 979-996, 2017
GPU accelerated digital volume correlation
T Wang, Z Jiang, Q Kemao, F Lin, SH Soon
Experimental Mechanics 56, 297-309, 2016
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