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Amalia Mas-Bleda
Amalia Mas-Bleda
Servicio Murciano de Salud
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Alıntı yapanlar
Do Highly Cited Researchers Successfully use the Social Web?
A Mas-Bleda, M Thelwall, K Kousha, IF Aguillo
Scientometrics 101 (1), 337-356, 2014
Ageing, old age and older adults: a social media analysis of dominant topics and discourses
M Makita, A Mas-Bleda, E Stuart, M Thelwall
Ageing and Society, 2019
Chatting through Pictures? A Classification of Images Tweeted in one week in the UK and USA
M Thelwall, O Goriunova, F Vis, S Faulkner, J Burns, Anne, Aulich, ...
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology., 2015
Can a personal website be useful as an information source to assess individual scientists? The case of European highly cited researchers
A Mas-Bleda, F Aguillo
Scientometrics 96 (1), 51-67, 2013
Mental health discourses on Twitter during mental health awareness week
M Makita, A Mas-Bleda, S Morris, M Thelwall
Issues in mental health nursing 42 (5), 437-450, 2021
Can alternative indicators overcome language biases in citation counts? A comparison of Spanish and UK research
A Mas-Bleda, M Thelwall
Scientometrics 109, 2007-2030, 2016
La web social como nuevo medio de comunicación y evaluación científica
A Mas-Bleda, IF Aguillo
Editorial UOC, 2015
Successful Researchers Publicizing Research Online: An Outlink Analysis of European Highly Cited Scientists’ Personal Websites
A Más-Bleda, M Thelwall, K Kousha, IF Aguillo
Journal of Documentation 70 (1), 2014
La gestión de información en las sedes web de los ayuntamientos españoles
CC Navarro, AM Cañavate, AM Bleda
Revista española de documentación científica 31 (4), 612-638, 2008
YouTube Science Channel Video Presenters and Comments: Female Friendly or Vestiges of Sexism?
M Thelwall, A Mas-Bleda
Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2018
YouTube Science Channel Video Presenters and Comments: Female Friendly or Vestiges of Sexism?
M Thelwall, A Mas-Bleda
Aslib Journal of Information Management, 0
Is useful research data usually shared? An investigation of genome-wide association study summary statistics
M Thelwall, M Munafò, A Mas-Bleda, E Stuart, M Makita, V Weigert, ...
Plos one 15 (2), e0229578, 2020
A gender equality paradox in academic publishing: Countries with a higher proportion of female first-authored journal articles have larger first-author gender disparities …
M Thelwall, A Mas-Bleda
Quantitative Science Studies 1 (3), 1260-1282, 2020
Acceso a los fondos del Archivo General de Indias a través de la plataforma “PARES”(Portal de Archivos Españoles).
MG González, AM Bleda
Naveg@ mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de …, 2010
How does nursing research differ internationally? A bibliometric analysis of six countries
M Thelwall, A Mas‐Bleda
International Journal of Nursing Practice 26 (6), e12851, 2020
My ADHD hellbrain”: A Twitter data science perspective on a behavioural disorder
M Thelwall, M Makita, A Mas-Bleda, E Stuart
Journal of data and information science 6 (1), 2021
European Highly Cited Scientists’ Presence in the Social Web
A Mas-Bleda, M Thelwall, K Kousha, IF Aguillo
14th International Society of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference …, 2013
Los archivos nacionales de la América hispana y su inmersión en Internet. Presencia, contenidos y disponibilidad informativa.
A Más Bleda, JJ Sánchez Baena, C Chaín Navarro
Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos. Nouveaux mondes mondes nouveaux-Novo Mundo Mundos …, 2007
I'm nervous about sharing this secret with you: YouTube influencers generate strong parasocial interactions by discussing personal issues
M Thelwall, E Stuart, A Mas-Bleda, M Makita, M Abdoli
Sciendo/National Science Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2022
Los usuarios y las webs de los archivos históricos nacionales: el caso del Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo (Portugal)
A Más Bleda, C Chaín Navarro
Investigación bibliotecológica 23 (47), 189-212, 2009
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