Takip et
Yushan Chen
Yushan Chen
bu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Formal approach to the deployment of distributed robotic teams
Y Chen, XC Ding, A Stefanescu, C Belta
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28 (1), 158-171, 2011
Automatic deployment of robotic teams
XC Ding, M Kloetzer, Y Chen, C Belta
IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 18 (3), 75-86, 2011
LTL robot motion control based on automata learning of environmental dynamics
Y Chen, J Tůmová, C Belta
2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 5177-5182, 2012
Automatic sequencing of ballet poses
A LaViers, Y Chen, C Belta, M Egerstedt
IEEE robotics & automation magazine 18 (3), 87-95, 2011
Synthesis of distributed control and communication schemes from global LTL specifications
Y Chen, XC Ding, C Belta
2011 50th IEEE conference on decision and control and european control …, 2011
Automatic generation of balletic motions
A LaViers, M Egerstedt, Y Chen, C Belta
2011 IEEE/ACM Second International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems, 13-21, 2011
Temporal logic robot control based on automata learning of environmental dynamics
Y Chen, J Tůmová, A Ulusoy, C Belta
The International Journal of Robotics Research 32 (5), 547-565, 2013
An approximate dynamic programming approach to multiagent persistent monitoring in stochastic environments with temporal logic constraints
K Deng, Y Chen, C Belta
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 62 (9), 4549-4563, 2017
A formal approach to deployment of robotic teams in an urban-like environment
Y Chen, XC Ding, A Stefanescu, C Belta
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems: The 10th International Symposium …, 2013
Multi-agent persistent monitoring in stochastic environments with temporal logic constraints
Y Chen, K Deng, C Belta
2012 IEEE 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2801-2806, 2012
A hierarchical approach to automatic deployment of robotic teams with communication constraints
Y Chen, S Birch, A Stefanescu, C Belta
2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2010
Automatic Generation of Ballet Phrases
A LaViers, Y Chen, C Belta, M Egerstedt
2015 Index IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering Vol. 2
A Bemporad, S Bubeck, B Chazelle, Y Chen, G Como, M Egerstedt, ...
Matrix 97, 111, 2015
Formal synthesis of control and communication schemes
Y Chen
Boston University, 2013
A Formal Approach to the Automatic Generation of Ballet Phrases
A LaViers, Y Chen, C Belta, M Egerstedt
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2011
Gaussian Process Gauss–Newton for non-parametric simultaneous localization and mapping Chi Hay Tong, Paul Furgale and Timothy D. Barfoot Semi-parametric learning for visual …
V Guizilini, F Ramos, Y Chen, J Tůmová, A Ulusoy, C Belta, M Tenorth, ...
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