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Bei Wang
Bei Wang
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Alıntı yapanlar
OpenFold: Retraining AlphaFold2 yields new insights into its learning mechanisms and capacity for generalization
G Ahdritz, N Bouatta, C Floristean, S Kadyan, Q Xia, W Gerecke, ...
Nature Methods 21 (8), 1514-1524, 2024
A Particle-In-Cell method with adaptive phase-space remapping for kinetic plasmas
B Wang
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2011
Kinetic turbulence simulations at extreme scale on leadership-class systems
B Wang, S Ethier, W Tang, T Williams, KZ Ibrahim, K Madduri, S Williams, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference on High Performance Computing …, 2013
Modern gyrokinetic particle-in-cell simulation of fusion plasmas on top supercomputers
B Wang, S Ethier, W Tang, KZ Ibrahim, K Madduri, S Williams, L Oliker
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (1 …, 2019
Speeding up particle track reconstruction using a parallel Kalman filter algorithm
S Lantz, K McDermott, M Reid, D Riley, P Wittich, S Berkman, G Cerati, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 15 (09), P09030, 2020
Analysis and optimization of gyrokinetic toroidal simulations on homogenous and heterogenous platforms
KZ Ibrahim, K Madduri, S Williams, B Wang, S Ethier, L Oliker
The International journal of high performance computing applications 27 (4 …, 2013
Extreme scale plasma turbulence simulations on top supercomputers worldwide
W Tang, B Wang, S Ethier, G Kwasniewski, T Hoefler, KZ Ibrahim, ...
SC'16: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance …, 2016
Scientific discovery in fusion plasma turbulence simulations at extreme scale
W Tang, B Wang, S Ethier
Computing in Science & Engineering 16 (5), 44-52, 2014
Openacc vs the native programming on sunway taihulight: A case study with gtc-p
L Cai, YC Wang, W Tang, B Wang, S Ethier, Z Liu, J Lin
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 88-97, 2018
Speeding up particle track reconstruction in the CMS detector using a vectorized and parallelized Kalman filter algorithm
G Cerati, P Elmer, B Gravelle, M Kortelainen, V Krutelyov, S Lantz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.11744, 2019
Performance and portability studies with openacc accelerated version of gtc-p
Y Wei, Y Wang, L Cai, W Tang, B Wang, S Ethier, S See, J Lin
2016 17th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing …, 2016
Hybrid-view Programming of Nuclear Fusion Simulation Code in the PGAS Parallel Programming Language XcalableMP
K Tsugane, H Nuga, T Boku, H Murai, M Sato, W Tang, B Wang
Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), 2014 20th IEEE International …, 2015
An adaptive, high-order phase-space remapping for the two-dimensional Vlasov-Poisson equations
B Wang, G Miller, P Colella
SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 34(6), B909–B924., 2012
Heterogeneous programming and optimization of gyrokinetic toroidal code using directives
W Zhang, W Joubert, P Wang, B Wang, W Tang, M Niemerg, L Shi, ...
Accelerator Programming Using Directives: 5th International Workshop, WACCPD …, 2019
Reconstruction of charged particle tracks in realistic detector geometry using a vectorized and parallelized kalman filter algorithm
G Cerati, P Elmer, B Gravelle, M Kortelainen, V Krutelyov, S Lantz, ...
EPJ Web of Conferences 245, 02013, 2020
Experiences of applying one-sided communication to nearest-neighbor communication
H Shan, S Williams, Y Zheng, W Zhang, B Wang, S Ethier, Z Zhao
2016 PGAS Applications Workshop (PAW), 17-24, 2016
Segment Linking: A Highly Parallelizable Track Reconstruction Algorithm for HL-LHC
P Chang, P Elmer, Y Gu, V Krutelyov, G Niendorf, M Reid, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2375 (1), 012005, 2022
Line Segment Tracking in the HL-LHC
G Niendorf, T Reid, P Wittich, P Elmer, B Wang, P Chang, Y Gu, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.08207, 2022
Parallelizing the Unpacking and Clustering of Detector Data for Reconstruction of Charged Particle Tracks on Multi-core CPUs and Many-core GPUs
G Cerati, P Elmer, B Gravelle, M Kortelainen, V Krutelyov, S Lantz, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2101.11489, 2021
Particle tracking in CMS with mkFit: from Run3 to HL-LHC
S Lantz, M Reid, D Riley, P Wittich, G Cerati, M Kortelainen, AR Hall, ...
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