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Geoffrey P. Morgan
Geoffrey P. Morgan
cs.cmu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Grower networks support adoption of innovations in pollination management: The roles of social learning, technical learning, and personal experience
K Garbach, GP Morgan
Journal of environmental management 204, 39-49, 2017
Social network modeling and agent-based simulation in support of crisis de-escalation
MJ Lanham, GP Morgan, KM Carley
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 44 (1), 103-110, 2013
On the coevolution of stereotype, culture, and social relationships: an agent-based model
K Joseph, GP Morgan, MK Martin, KM Carley
Social Science Computer Review 32 (3), 295-311, 2014
A preliminary model of participation for small groups
JH Morgan, GP Morgan, FE Ritter
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 16, 246-270, 2010
dTank: An environment for architectural comparisons of competitive agents
GP Morgan, FE Ritter, WE Stevenson, IN Schenck, MA Cohen
Proceedings of the 14th conference on behavior representation in modeling …, 2005
Increasing efficiency of the development of user models
GP Morgan, SR Haynes, FE Ritter, MA Cohen
2005 IEEE Design Symposium, Systems and Information Engineering, 82-89, 2005
The power of social cognition
GP Morgan, K Joseph, KM Carley
Journal of Social Structure 18, 0_1-22, 2017
A framework for modeling social power structures
G Taylor, E Waltz
Proceedings of 14th Annual Conference for the North American Association for …, 2006
Arab spring: from newspaper
K Joseph, KM Carley, D Filonuk, GP Morgan, J Pfeffer
Social Network Analysis and Mining 4, 1-17, 2014
Using computational modeling to assess the impact of clinical decision support on cancer screening improvement strategies within the community health centers
TJ Carney, GP Morgan, J Jones, AM McDaniel, M Weaver, B Weiner, ...
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 51, 200-209, 2014
Multi-modeling and socio-cultural complexity: reuse and validation
KM Carley, G Morgan, M Lanham, J Pfeffer
2nd International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making, San …, 2012
Building social networks out of cognitive blocks: factors of interest in agent-based socio-cognitive simulations
C Zhao, R Kaulakis, JH Morgan, JW Hiam, FE Ritter, J Sanford, ...
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 21, 115-149, 2015
Modeling formal and informal ties within an organization: a multiple model integration
GP Morgan, KM Carley
the garbage can model of organizational choice: looking forward at forty …, 2012
Comparing hiring strategies in a committee with similarity biases
GP Morgan, KM Carley
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 20, 1-19, 2014
Socio-cognitive networks: Modeling the effects of space and memory on generative social structures
C Zhao, R Kaulakis, JH Morgan, JW Hiam, JP Sanford, FE Ritter, ...
Proceedings of the 21st Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling …, 2012
Hypothesis generation using network structures on community health center cancer-screening performance
TJ Carney, GP Morgan, J Jones, AM McDaniel, MT Weaver, B Weiner, ...
Journal of biomedical informatics 57, 288-307, 2015
Construct user guide
KM Carley, K Joseph, M Kowalchuck, M Lanham, G Morgan
Available at SSRN 2729263, 2014
A deontic implementation of adjustable autonomy for command and control of robotic assets
SA Lisse, JT Beard, MH Huber, GP Morgan, EAM DeKoven
Unmanned Systems Technology VIII 6230, 104-114, 2006
Socio-cultural cognitive mapping
GP Morgan, J Levine, KM Carley
Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling: 10th International Conference …, 2017
Inadvertent leaks: exploration via agent-based dynamic network simulation
KM Carley, GP Morgan
Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 22, 288-317, 2016
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