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Frank Barrett
Frank Barrett
Professor of Management
nps.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Creativity and improvisation in jazz and organizations: Implications for organizational learning
FJ Barrett
The aesthetic turn in management, 407-424, 2017
The organizational construction of hegemonic masculinity: The case of the US Navy
FJ Barrett
Gender, Work & Organization 3 (3), 129-142, 1996
Appreciative inquiry: The power of the unconditional positive question
JD Ludema, DL Cooperrider, FJ Barrett
Handbook of action research, 155-165, 2006
The central role of discourse in large-scale change: A social construction perspective
FJ Barrett, GF Thomas, SP Hocevar
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 31 (3), 352-372, 1995
The masculinities reader
SM Whitehead, FJ Barrett
(No Title), 2001
Creating appreciative learning cultures
FJ Barrett
Organizational dynamics 24 (2), 36-49, 1995
Generative metaphor intervention: A new approach for working with systems divided by conflict and caught in defensive perception
FJ Barrett, DL Cooperrider
The journal of applied behavioral science 26 (2), 219-239, 1990
Toward transformative dialogue
KJ Gergen, S McNamee, FJ Barrett
International journal of public administration 24 (7-8), 679-707, 2001
Appreciative inquiry: A positive approach to building cooperative capacity
FJ Barrett, RE Fry
Focus Book a Taos Institute Pu, 2005
The sociology of masculinity
SM Whitehead, FJ Barrett
The masculinities reader 1, 1-26, 2001
Yes to the mess: Surprising leadership lessons from jazz
FJ Barrett
Harvard Business Press, 2012
Dialogue: Life and death of the organization
KJ Gergen, MM Gergen, FJ Barrett
The Sage handbook of organizational discourse, 39-59, 2004
Social construction and appreciative inquiry: A journey in organizational theory
DL Cooperrider, F Barrett, S Srivastva
Management and organization: Relational alternatives to individualism, 157-200, 1995
The transforming nature of metaphors in group development: A study in group theory
S Srivastva, FJ Barrett
Human Relations 41 (1), 31-63, 1988
Dialogic democracy meets command and control: Transformation through the appreciative inquiry summit
EH Powley, RE Fry, FJ Barrett, DS Bright
Academy of Management Perspectives 18 (3), 67-80, 2004
Appreciative inquiry and organizational transformation: Reports from the field
RE Fry
(No Title), 2001
A questionnaire-based review of the operational use of remotely sensed data by national forest inventories
F Barrett, RE McRoberts, E Tomppo, E Cienciala, LT Waser
Remote Sensing of Environment 174, 279-289, 2016
Cultivating an aesthetic of unfolding: Jazz improvisation as a self-organizing system
FJ Barrett
The aesthetics of organization, 228-245, 2000
Appreciative inquiry as dialogue: Generative and transformative
MM Gergen, KJ Gergen, F Barrett
Constructive discourse and human organization, 3-27, 2004
The experience of improvising in organizations: A creative process perspective
CM Fisher, FJ Barrett
Academy of Management Perspectives 33 (2), 148-162, 2019
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