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Iain Phillips
Iain Phillips
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computing, Imperial College London
imperial.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Refusal testing
I Phillips
Theoretical Computer Science 50 (3), 241-284, 1987
Reversing algebraic process calculi
I Phillips, I Ulidowski
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 73 (1-2), 70-96, 2007
A reversible process calculus and the modelling of the ERK signalling pathway
I Phillips, I Ulidowski, S Yuen
Reversible Computation: 4th International Workshop, RC 2012, Copenhagen …, 2013
Reversibility and asymmetric conflict in event structures
I Phillips, I Ulidowski
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 84 (6), 781-805, 2015
Reversibility and models for concurrency
I Phillips, I Ulidowski
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 192 (1), 93-108, 2007
On the computational strength of pure ambient calculi
S Maffeis, I Phillips
Theoretical Computer Science 330 (3), 501-551, 2005
Reversing algebraic process calculi
I Phillips, I Ulidowski
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation …, 2006
Ordered SOS process languages for branching and eager bisimulations
I Ulidowski, I Phillips
Information and Computation 178 (1), 180-213, 2002
An axiomatic approach to reversible computation
I Lanese, I Phillips, I Ulidowski
FoSSaCS 2020-23rd International Conference on Foundations of Software …, 2020
On reduction semantics for the push and pull ambient calculus
I Phillips, MG Vigliotti
Foundations of Information Technology in the Era of Network and Mobile …, 2002
Event structure semantics of (controlled) reversible CCS
E Graversen, I Phillips, N Yoshida
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 121, 100686, 2021
Modelling of bonding with processes and events
I Phillips, I Ulidowski, S Yuen
Reversible Computation: 5th International Conference, RC 2013, Victoria, BC …, 2013
Foundations of reversible computation
B Aman, G Ciobanu, R Glück, R Kaarsgaard, J Kari, M Kutrib, I Lanese, ...
Reversible Computation: Extending Horizons of Computing: Selected Results of …, 2020
A logic with reverse modalities for history-preserving bisimulations
I Phillips, I Ulidowski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1108.4470, 2011
CCS with priority guards
I Phillips
The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 75 (1), 139-165, 2008
Concurrency and reversibility
I Ulidowski, I Phillips, S Yuen
International Conference on Reversible Computation, 1-14, 2014
Electoral systems in ambient calculi
I Phillips, MG Vigliotti
International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation …, 2004
A hierarchy of reverse bisimulations on stable configuration structures
I Phillips, I Ulidowski
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 22 (2), 333-372, 2012
CCS with priority guards
I Phillips
International Conference on Concurrency Theory, 305-320, 2001
Event identifier logic
I Phillips, I Ulidowski
Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 24 (2), e240204, 2014
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