Takip et
Professor of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Comparison of the physicochemical properties and pasting characteristics of flour and starch from red and white sweet potato cultivars
OF Osundahunsi, TN Fagbemi, E Kesselman, E Shimoni
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 51 (8), 2232-2236, 2003
Effect of Peptide Size on Antioxidant Properties of African Yam Bean Seed (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) Protein Hydrolysate Fractions
CF Ajibola, JB Fashakin, TN Fagbemi, RE Aluko
International journal of molecular sciences 12 (10), 6685-6702, 2011
Processing effects on some antinutritional factors and in vitro multienzyme protein digestibility (IVPD) of three tropical seeds: breadnut (Artocarpus altilis), cashewnut …
TN Fagbemi, AA Oshodi, KO Ipinmoroti
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 4 (4), 250-256, 2005
Chemical composition and functional properties of full fat fluted pumpkin seed flour
TN Fagbemi, AA Oshodi
Nigerian Food Journal 9, 26-32, 1991
Effect of blanching and ripening on functional properties of plantain (Musa aab) flour
TN Fagbemi
Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 54, 261-269, 1999
Amino acid composition and antioxidant properties of Moringa oleifera seed protein isolate and enzymatic hydrolysates
TA Aderinola, TN Fagbemi, VN Enujiugha, AM Alashi, RE Aluko
Heliyon 4 (10), 2018
Polypeptide composition and functional properties of African yam bean seed (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) albumin, globulin and protein concentrate
CF Ajibola, SA Malomo, TN Fagbemi, RE Aluko
Food Hydrocolloids 56, 189-200, 2016
In vitro digestibility, structural and functional properties of Moringa oleifera seed proteins
TA Aderinola, AM Alashi, ID Nwachukwu, TN Fagbemi, VN Enujiugha, ...
Food Hydrocolloids 101, 105574, 2020
Effect of extrusion on protein quality, antinutritional factors, and digestibility of complementary diet from quality protein maize and soybean protein concentrate
MO Omosebi, OF Osundahunsi, TN Fagbemi
Journal of Food Biochemistry 42 (4), e12508, 2018
Assessment of nutritional quality, glycaemic index, antidiabetic and sensory properties of plantain (Musa paradisiaca)-based functional dough meals
O Famakin, A Fatoyinbo, OS Ijarotimi, AA Badejo, TN Fagbemi
Journal of food science and technology 53, 3865-3875, 2016
Antioxidant properties of cold and hot water extracts of cocoa, Hibiscus flower extract, and ginger beverage blends
FB Awe, TN Fagbemi, BOT Ifesan, AA Badejo
Food Research International 52 (2), 490-495, 2013
Effects of processing on the nutritional composition of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) seed flour
TN Fagbemi
Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, 2007
Structural and functional properties of Buchholzia coriacea seed flour and protein concentrate at different pH and protein concentrations
OS Ijarotimi, SA Malomo, TN Fagbemi, OF Osundahunsi, RE Aluko
Food Hydrocolloids 74, 275-288, 2018
Development of functional beverages from blends of Hibiscus sabdariffa extract and selected fruit juices for optimal antioxidant properties
OMA Ogundele, OO Awolu, AA Badejo, ID Nwachukwu, TN Fagbemi
Food science & nutrition 4 (5), 679-685, 2016
Effects of temperature and period of blanching on the pasting and functional properties of plantain (Musa parasidiaca) flour
IB Oluwalana, MO Oluwamukomi, TN Fagbemi, GI Oluwafemi
Journal of Stored Products and Postharvest Research 2 (8), 164-169, 2011
Effects of processing on the functional properties of full fat and defatted fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) seed flours.
TN Fagbemi, AA Oshodi, KO Ipinmoroti
Nutritional, biochemical and organoleptic properties of high protein-fibre functional foods developed from plantain, defatted soybean, rice-bran and oat-bran flour
TD Oluwajuyitan, OS Ijarotimi, TN Fagbemi
Nutrition & Food Science 51 (4), 704-724, 2021
Effect of germination and fermentation on the proximate composition and functional properties of full-fat and defatted cucumeropsis mannii seed flours
OA Omowaye-Taiwo, TN Fagbemi, EM Ogunbusola, AA Badejo
Journal of Food Science and Technology 52, 5257-5263, 2015
Functional properties of sesame (Sesamum indicum Linn) seed protein fractions
AO Idowu, AM Alashi, ID Nwachukwu, TN Fagbemi, RE Aluko
Food Production, Processing and Nutrition 3, 1-16, 2021
Renin and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition with antioxidant properties of African yam bean protein hydrolysate and reverse-phase HPLC-separated peptide fractions
CF Ajibola, JB Fashakin, TN Fagbemi, RE Aluko
Food Research International 52 (2), 437-444, 2013
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