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Giacomo Del Chiappa
Giacomo Del Chiappa
Full Professor of Marketing | Co-Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal of Tourism Research
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Understanding the relationships between tourists’ emotional experiences, perceived overall image, satisfaction, and intention to recommend
G Prayag, S Hosany, B Muskat, G Del Chiappa
Journal of travel research 56 (1), 41-54, 2017
Knowledge transfer in smart tourism destinations: Analyzing the effects of a network structure
G Del Chiappa, R Baggio
Journal of Destination Marketing & Management 4 (3), 145-150, 2015
Are you good enough? CSR, quality management and corporate financial performance in the hospitality industry
S Franco, MG Caroli, F Cappa, G Del Chiappa
International Journal of Hospitality Management 88, 102395, 2020
Tourist transformation: Towards a conceptual model
JM Pung, J Gnoth, G Del Chiappa
Annals of Tourism Research 81, 102885, 2020
A multidimensional service-value scale based on Holbrook’s typology of customer value: Bridging the gap between the concept and its measurement
MG Gallarza, F Arteaga, G Del Chiappa, I Gil-Saura, MB Holbrook
Journal of Service Management 28 (4), 724-762, 2017
Seniors’ travel constraints and their coping strategies
A Kazeminia, G Del Chiappa, J Jafari
Journal of travel research 54 (1), 80-93, 2015
Residents’ engagement and local tourism governance in maturing beach destinations. Evidence from an Italian case study
A Presenza, G Del Chiappa, L Sheehan
Journal of destination marketing & management 2 (1), 22-30, 2013
Emotions and visitors’ satisfaction at a museum
G Del Chiappa, L Andreu, MG Gallarza
International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research 8 (4 …, 2014
Real and virtual relationships in tourism digital ecosystems
R Baggio, G Del Chiappa
Information Technology & Tourism 14, 3-19, 2014
“Couchsurfing has made me a better person and the world a better place”: The transformative power of collaborative tourism experiences
A Decrop, G Del Chiappa, J Mallargé, P Zidda
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 35 (1), 57-72, 2018
Exploring the implications of wearable virtual reality technology for museum visitors' experience: A cluster analysis
L Errichiello, R Micera, M Atzeni, G Del Chiappa
International Journal of Tourism Research 21 (5), 590-605, 2019
Internet versus travel agencies: The perception of different groups of Italian online buyers
GD Chiappa
Journal of vacation marketing 19 (1), 55-66, 2013
Enhancing visit intention in heritage tourism: The role of object‐based and existential authenticity in non‐immersive virtual reality heritage experiences
M Atzeni, G Del Chiappa, J Mei Pung
International Journal of Tourism Research 24 (2), 240-255, 2022
The influence of materialism on ecotourism attitudes and behaviors
ACC Lu, D Gursoy, G Del Chiappa
Journal of Travel Research 55 (2), 176-189, 2016
The use of network analysis to assess relationships among stakeholders within a tourism destination: An empirical investigation on Costa Smeralda-Gallura, Italy
G Del Chiappa, A Presenza
Tourism Analysis 18 (1), 1-13, 2013
Smart tourism destinations: a critical reflection
R Baggio, R Micera, G Del Chiappa
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 11 (3), 407-423, 2020
Trustworthiness of Travel 2.0 applications and their influence on tourist behaviour: an empirical investigation in Italy
G Del Chiappa
Information and communication technologies in tourism 2011, 331-342, 2011
Community-based collaborative tourism planning in islands: A cluster analysis in the context of Costa Smeralda
G Del Chiappa, M Atzeni, V Ghasemi
Journal of destination marketing & management 8, 41-48, 2018
Tourism experiences, memorability and behavioural intentions: a study of tourists in Sardinia, Italy
E Sthapit, G Del Chiappa, DN Coudounaris, P Björk
Tourism Review 75 (3), 533-558, 2019
Value dimensions in consumers’ experience: Combining the intra-and inter-variable approaches in the hospitality sector
MG Gallarza, F Arteaga, G Del Chiappa, I Gil-Saura
International Journal of Hospitality Management 47, 140-150, 2015
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