Development of four self-report measures of job stressors and strain: interpersonal conflict at work scale, organizational constraints scale, quantitative workload inventory … PE Spector, SM Jex Journal of occupational health psychology 3 (4), 356, 1998 | 3350 | 1998 |
Organizational psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach SM Jex, TW Britt John Wiley & Sons, 2014 | 2299 | 2014 |
Stress and job performance: Theory, research, and implications for managerial practice. SM Jex Sage Publications Ltd, 1998 | 1474 | 1998 |
Development of a global measure of job embeddedness and integration into a traditional model of voluntary turnover. CD Crossley, RJ Bennett, SM Jex, JL Burnfield Journal of applied Psychology 92 (4), 1031, 2007 | 1344 | 2007 |
Efficacy beliefs as a moderator of the impact of work-related stressors: a multilevel study. SM Jex, PD Bliese Journal of applied psychology 84 (3), 349, 1999 | 1273 | 1999 |
Relation of job stressors to affective, health, and performance outcomes: a comparison of multiple data sources. PE Spector, DJ Dwyer, SM Jex Journal of Applied Psychology 73 (1), 11, 1988 | 1070 | 1988 |
Work stressors and coworker support as predictors of individual strain and job performance TA Beehr, SM Jex, BA Stacy, MA Murray Journal of organizational behavior 21 (4), 391-405, 2000 | 1013 | 2000 |
Emerging theoretical and methodological issues in the study of work-related stress SM Jex, TA Beehr Research in personnel and human resources management 9 (31), l-365, 1991 | 788 | 1991 |
The employee as a punching bag: The effect of multiple sources of incivility on employee withdrawal behavior and sales performance M Sliter, K Sliter, S Jex Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (1), 121-139, 2012 | 742 | 2012 |
The impact of self-efficacy on stressor–strain relations: Coping style as an explanatory mechanism. SM Jex, PD Bliese, S Buzzell, J Primeau Journal of applied psychology 86 (3), 401, 2001 | 739 | 2001 |
Relationships between work-home segmentation and psychological detachment from work: the role of communication technology use at home. YA Park, C Fritz, SM Jex Journal of occupational health psychology 16 (4), 457, 2011 | 692 | 2011 |
How rude! Emotional labor as a mediator between customer incivility and employee outcomes. M Sliter, S Jex, K Wolford, J McInnerney Journal of occupational health psychology 15 (4), 468, 2010 | 669 | 2010 |
Development and validation of scores on a two-dimensional workplace friendship scale IK Nielsen, SM Jex, GA Adams Educational and Psychological Measurement 60 (4), 628-643, 2000 | 549 | 2000 |
Relations of job characteristics from multiple data sources with employee affect, absence, turnover intentions, and health. PE Spector, SM Jex Journal of applied psychology 76 (1), 46, 1991 | 545 | 1991 |
Efficacy beliefs and work stress: An exploratory study SM Jex, DM Gudanowski Journal of organizational behavior 13 (5), 509-517, 1992 | 525 | 1992 |
Relationships between time management, control, work–family conflict, and strain. GA Adams, SM Jex Journal of occupational health psychology 4 (1), 72, 1999 | 494 | 1999 |
Coworker incivility and incivility targets' work effort and counterproductive work behaviors: The moderating role of supervisor social support. K Sakurai, SM Jex Journal of occupational health psychology 17 (2), 150, 2012 | 485 | 2012 |
The meaning of occupational stress items to survey respondents. SM Jex, TA Beehr, CK Roberts Journal of applied psychology 77 (5), 623, 1992 | 441 | 1992 |
Incorporating a mulitilevel perspective into occupational stress research: Theoretical, methodological, and practical implications. PD Bliese, SM Jex Journal of occupational health psychology 7 (3), 265, 2002 | 360 | 2002 |
Time management as a moderator of relations between stressors and employee strain SM Jex, TC Elacqua Work & Stress 13 (2), 182-191, 1999 | 337 | 1999 |