Cardinal functions in topology: ten years later I Juhász (No Title), 1980 | 474 | 1980 |
Cardinal functions in topology I Juhász, A Verbeek, NS Kroonenberg (No Title), 1971 | 403 | 1971 |
Cardinal functions in topology, Math I Juhász Centre Tracts 34, 115, 1971 | 179 | 1971 |
Two more hereditarily separable non-Lindelöf spaces I Juhász, K Kunen, ME Rudin Canadian Journal of Mathematics 28 (5), 998-1005, 1976 | 146 | 1976 |
Cardinal functions in topology—ten years later, Math I Juhasz Centre Tracts 123, 2-97, 1980 | 139 | 1980 |
Discrete subspaces of topological spaces A Hajnal, I Juhász Indag. Math 29, 343-356, 1967 | 98 | 1967 |
A separable normal topological group need not be Lindelöf A Hajnal, I Juhász General Topology and its Applications 6 (2), 199-205, 1976 | 83 | 1976 |
Convergent free sequences in compact spaces I Juhasz, Z Szentmiklossy Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 116 (4), 1153-1160, 1992 | 82 | 1992 |
On hereditarily α-Lindelöf and α-separable spaces, II A Hajnal, I Juhász Fundamenta Mathematicae 81 (2), 147-158, 1974 | 61 | 1974 |
Cardinal functions II I Juhász Handbook of set-theoretic topology, 63-109, 1984 | 56 | 1984 |
On thin-tall scattered spaces I Juhász, W Weiss Colloquium Mathematicum 40, 63-68, 1978 | 56 | 1978 |
Splitting strongly almost disjoint families A Hajnal, I Juhász, S Shelah Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 295 (1), 369-387, 1986 | 49 | 1986 |
Discrete subspaces of topological spaces, II A Hajnal, I Juhász Indagationes Mathematicae (Proceedings) 72 (1), 18-30, 1969 | 40 | 1969 |
Consistency results in topology I Juhász Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 90, 503-522, 1977 | 39 | 1977 |
Fodor-type Reflection Principle and reflection of metrizability and meta-Lindelöfness S Fuchino, I Juhász, L Soukup, Z Szentmiklóssy, T Usuba Topology and its Applications 157 (8), 1415-1429, 2010 | 38 | 2010 |
Some remarks on a property of topological cardinal functions A Hajnal, I Juhász Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar 20, 25-37, 1969 | 38 | 1969 |
On a problem of Sikorski I Juhász, W Weiss Fundamenta Mathematicae 100 (3), 223-227, 1978 | 36 | 1978 |
D-forced spaces: A new approach to resolvability I Juhász, L Soukup, Z Szentmiklóssy Topology and its Applications 153 (11), 1800-1824, 2006 | 35 | 2006 |
On hereditarily α-Lindelöf and hereditarily α-separable spaces A Hajnal, I Juhász Annales Univ. Budapestiensis 11, 115-124, 1968 | 35 | 1968 |
Transfection of pseudouridine-modified mRNA encoding CPD-photolyase leads to repair of DNA damage in human keratinocytes: A new approach with future therapeutic potential G Boros, E Miko, H Muramatsu, D Weissman, E Emri, D Rózsa, G Nagy, ... Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 129, 93-99, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |