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Parveen P. Gupta
Parveen P. Gupta
Clayton Distinguished Professor of Accounting, Lehigh University
lehigh.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Coordination and Control in a Government Agency: Contingency and Institutional Theory Perspectives on GAO Audits.
PP Gupta, MW Dirsmith, TJ Fogarty
Administrative Science Quarterly 39 (2), 264-284, 1994
A cross-country comparison of corporate governance and firm performance: do financial structure and the legal system matter?
A Anderson, PP Gupta
Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics 5 (2), 61-79, 2009
Materiality judgments and audit firm culture: Social-behavioral and political perspectives
BW Carpenter, MW Dirsmith, PP Gupta
Accounting, Organizations and Society 19 (4-5), 355-380, 1994
Corporate governance and firm value: Evidence from Canadian capital markets
PP Gupta, DB Kennedy, SC Weaver
Corporate Ownership and Control 6 (3), 293-307, 2009
The coupling of the symbolic and the technical in an institutionalized context: The negotiated order of the GAO's audit reporting process
ON Basu, MW Dirsmith, PP Gupta
American Sociological Review 64 (4), 506-526, 1999
Information content of control deficiency disclosures under the Sarbanes–Oxley Act: An empirical investigation
PP Gupta, N Nayar
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 4 (1), 3-23, 2007
Institutional pressures and symbolic displays in a GAO context
MW Dirsmith, TJ Fogarty, P Gupta
Organization studies 21 (3), 515-537, 2000
Do companies with effective internal controls over financial reporting benefit from Sarbanes–Oxley sections 302 and 404?
PP Gupta, H Sami, H Zhou
Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance 33 (2), 200-227, 2018
Use of COSO 1992 in Management Reporting on Internal Control
PP Gupta, JC Thomson
Strategic Finance 88 (3), 27-33, 2006
Sarbanes-Oxley and public reporting on internal control: Hasty reaction or delayed action?
PP Gupta, TR Weirich, LE Turner
Accounting Horizons 27 (2), 371-408, 2013
The changing roles of the internal auditor
PP Gupta, MR Ray
Managerial Auditing Journal 7 (1), 3-8, 1992
Board diversity and its long-term effect on firm financial and non-financial performance
PP Gupta, KCK Lam, H Sami, H Zhou
Available at SSRN 2531212, 2015
Internal Audit Reengineering: Survey, Model, and Best Practices
PP Gupta
Institute of Internal Auditors, 2001
Management's evaluation of internal controls under Section 404 (a) using the COSO 1992 control framework: Evidence from practice
PP Gupta
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 5, 48-68, 2008
Corporate governance scores, Tobin’s Q and equity prices: evidence from Canadian capital markets
PP Gupta, DB Kennedy, SW Weaver
Document de travail, University of Waterloo 34, 2006
Do auditors allow earnings management when audit fees are low?
PP Gupta, GV Krishnan, W Yu
Available at SSRN 1836829, 2012
Activity-based costing
MR Ray, PP Gupta
Internal Auditor 49 (6), 45-52, 1992
Boardroom gender diversity and long-term firm performance
PP Gupta, KCK Lam, H Sami, H Zhou
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance 20 (2), 119-137, 2023
You get what you pay for: An examination of audit quality when audit fee is low
PP Gupta, GV Krishnan, W Yu
Working paper, 2009
Risk Oversight: Evolving Expectations for Boards
PP Gupta, T Leech
Directors' Notes 1, 1-15, 2014
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