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Vladimir Pravosudov
Vladimir Pravosudov
Professor of Biology, University of Nevada Reno
unr.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A test of the adaptive specialization hypothesis: population differences in caching, memory, and the hippocampus in black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla).
VV Pravosudov, NS Clayton
Behavioral neuroscience 116 (4), 515, 2002
Long-term moderate elevation of corticosterone facilitates avian food-caching behaviour and enhances spatial memory
VV Pravosudov
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 2003
Cognitive ecology of food hoarding: the evolution of spatial memory and the hippocampus
VV Pravosudov, TC Roth II
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 44 (1), 173-193, 2013
Hippocampal volumes and neuron numbers increase along a gradient of environmental harshness: a large-scale comparison
TC Roth, VV Pravosudov
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 276 (1656), 401-405, 2009
Condition dependence, developmental plasticity, and cognition: implications for ecology and evolution
KL Buchanan, JL Grindstaff, VV Pravosudov
Trends in ecology & evolution 28 (5), 290-296, 2013
Natural selection and spatial cognition in wild food-caching mountain chickadees
BR Sonnenberg, CL Branch, AM Pitera, E Bridge, VV Pravosudov
Current Biology 29 (4), 670-676. e3, 2019
Management of fat reserves and food caches in tufted titmice (Parus bicolor) in relation to unpredictable food supply
VV Pravosudov, TC Grubb Jr
Behavioral Ecology 8 (3), 332-339, 1997
Birds as a model to study adult neurogenesis: bridging evolutionary, comparative and neuroethological approaches
A Barnea, V Pravosudov
European Journal of Neuroscience 34 (6), 884-907, 2011
Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments: a common garden approach
TC Roth, LD LaDage, VV Pravosudov
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 277 (1697), 3187-3193, 2010
Long-term unpredictable foraging conditions and physiological stress response in mountain chickadees (Poecile gambeli)
VV Pravosudov, AS Kitaysky, JC Wingfield, NS Clayton
General and comparative endocrinology 123 (3), 324-331, 2001
Effects of nutritional restrictions during post-hatching development on adrenocortical function in western scrub-jays (Aphelocoma californica)
VV Pravosudov, AS Kitaysky
General and comparative endocrinology 145 (1), 25-31, 2006
Behavioural profile predicts dominance status in mountain chickadees, Poecile gambeli
RA Fox, LD Ladage, TC Roth II, VV Pravosudov
Animal Behaviour 77 (6), 1441-1448, 2009
Heritability and the evolution of cognitive traits
R Croston, CL Branch, DY Kozlovsky, R Dukas, VV Pravosudov
Behavioral Ecology 26 (6), 1447-1459, 2015
Variation in memory and the hippocampus across populations from different climates: a common garden approach
TC Roth, LD LaDage, CA Freas, VV Pravosudov
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1727), 402-410, 2012
Energy management in passerine birds during the nonbreeding season: a review
VV Pravosudov, TC Grubb Jr
Current ornithology, 189-234, 1997
Hippocampal memory consolidation during sleep: a comparison of mammals and birds
NC Rattenborg, D Martinez‐Gonzalez, TC Roth, VV Pravosudov
Biological Reviews 86 (3), 658-691, 2011
Spatial memory and cognitive flexibility trade-offs: to be or not to be flexible, that is the question
MC Tello-Ramos, CL Branch, DY Kozlovsky, AM Pitera, VV Pravosudov
Animal Behaviour 147, 129-136, 2019
The relationship between migratory behaviour, memory and the hippocampus: an intraspecific comparison
VV Pravosudov, AS Kitaysky, A Omanska
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1601), 2641-2649, 2006
Is bigger always better? A critical appraisal of the use of volumetric analysis in the study of the hippocampus
TC Roth, A Brodin, TV Smulders, LD LaDage, VV Pravosudov
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
Nutritional deficits during early development affect hippocampal structure and spatial memory later in life.
VV Pravosudov, P Lavenex, A Omanska
Behavioral neuroscience 119 (5), 1368, 2005
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