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Filip Leonarski
Filip Leonarski
Data Scientist, Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Mg2+ ions: do they bind to nucleobase nitrogens?
F Leonarski, L d'Ascenzo, P Auffinger
Nucleic acids research 45 (2), 987-1004, 2017
The JUNGFRAU detector for applications at synchrotron light sources and XFELs
A Mozzanica, M Andrä, R Barten, A Bergamaschi, S Chiriotti, M Brückner, ...
Synchrotron Radiation News 31 (6), 16-20, 2018
Fast and accurate data collection for macromolecular crystallography using the JUNGFRAU detector
F Leonarski, S Redford, A Mozzanica, C Lopez-Cuenca, E Panepucci, ...
Nature methods 15 (10), 799-804, 2018
Revisiting GNRA and UNCG folds: U-turns versus Z-turns in RNA hairpin loops
L d'Ascenzo, F Leonarski, Q Vicens, P Auffinger
Rna 23 (3), 259-269, 2017
‘Z-DNA like’fragments in RNA: a recurring structural motif with implications for folding, RNA/protein recognition and immune response
L d'Ascenzo, F Leonarski, Q Vicens, P Auffinger
Nucleic acids research 44 (12), 5944-5956, 2016
Non-adiabatic corrections to the energies of the pure vibrational states of H2
S Bubin, F Leonarski, M Stanke, L Adamowicz
Chemical Physics Letters 477 (1-3), 12-16, 2009
New more accurate calculations of the ground state potential energy surface of H3+
M Pavanello, WC Tung, F Leonarski, L Adamowicz
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (7), 2009
JUNGFRAU detector for brighter x-ray sources: Solutions for IT and data science challenges in macromolecular crystallography
F Leonarski, A Mozzanica, M Brückner, C Lopez-Cuenca, S Redford, ...
Structural Dynamics 7 (1), 2020
Computational methods to study the structure and dynamics of biomolecules and biomolecular processes
A Liwo, D Cecco, Liwo
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Nucleobase carbonyl groups are poor Mg2+ inner-sphere binders but excellent monovalent ion binders—a critical PDB survey
F Leonarski, L d'Ascenzo, P Auffinger
Rna 25 (2), 173-192, 2019
Binding of metals to purine N7 nitrogen atoms and implications for nucleic acids: a CSD survey
F Leonarski, L D’Ascenzo, P Auffinger
Inorganica Chimica Acta 452, 82-89, 2016
Evolutionary algorithm in the optimization of a coarse-grained force field
F Leonarski, F Trovato, V Tozzini, A Les, J Trylska
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 9 (11), 4874-4889, 2013
Charge asymmetry in pure vibrational states of the HD molecule
S Bubin, F Leonarski, M Stanke, L Adamowicz
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (12), 2009
Advances in long-wavelength native phasing at X-ray free-electron lasers
K Nass, R Cheng, L Vera, A Mozzanica, S Redford, D Ozerov, S Basu, ...
IUCrJ 7 (6), 965-975, 2020
Natural hybrid silica/protein superstructure at atomic resolution
S Görlich, AJ Samuel, RJ Best, R Seidel, J Vacelet, FK Leonarski, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (49), 31088-31093, 2020
Long-wavelength native-SAD phasing: opportunities and challenges
S Basu, V Olieric, F Leonarski, N Matsugaki, Y Kawano, T Takashi, ...
IUCrJ 6 (3), 373-386, 2019
Altering the orientation of proteins on self-assembled monolayers: a computational study
B Trzaskowski, F Leonarski, A Les, L Adamowicz
Biomacromolecules 9 (11), 3239-3245, 2008
Operation and performance of the JUNGFRAU photon detector during first FEL and synchrotron experiments
S Redford, M Andrä, R Barten, A Bergamaschi, M Brückner, S Chiriotti, ...
Journal of Instrumentation 13 (11), C11006, 2018
Gold Standard for macromolecular crystallography diffraction data
HJ Bernstein, A Förster, A Bhowmick, AS Brewster, S Brockhauser, ...
IUCrJ 7 (5), 784-792, 2020
Kilohertz serial crystallography with the JUNGFRAU detector at a fourth-generation synchrotron source
F Leonarski, J Nan, Z Matej, Q Bertrand, A Furrer, I Gorgisyan, M Bjelčić, ...
IUCrJ 10 (6), 729-737, 2023
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