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Michael Hart
Michael Hart
Professor of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University
sfu.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Quantifying rates of evolutionary adaptation in response to ocean acidification
JM Sunday, RN Crim, CDG Harley, MW Hart
PLoS One 6 (8), e22881, 2011
Things fall apart: biological species form unconnected parsimony networks
MW Hart, J Sunday
Biology letters 3 (5), 509-512, 2007
Regeneration from injury and resource allocation in sponges and corals–a review
LA Henry, M Hart
International Review of Hydrobiology: a journal covering all aspects of …, 2005
The complex analytical landscape of gene flow inference
PB Marko, MW Hart
Trends in ecology & evolution 26 (9), 448-456, 2011
Functional consequences of phenotypic plasticity in echinoid larvae
MW Hart, RR Strathmann
The Biological Bulletin 186 (3), 291-299, 1994
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of life-history evolution in asterinid starfish
MW Hart, M Byrne, MJ Smith
Evolution, 1848-1861, 1997
Particle captures and the method of suspension feeding by echinoderm larvae
MW Hart
The Biological Bulletin 180 (1), 12-27, 1991
Open and closed domains in the mouse genome are configured as 10‐nm chromatin fibres
E Fussner, M Strauss, U Djuric, R Li, K Ahmed, M Hart, J Ellis, ...
EMBO reports 13 (11), 992-996, 2012
Heat waves, baby booms, and the destruction of kelp beds by sea urchins
MW Hart, RE Scheibling
Marine Biology 99 (2), 167-176, 1988
Mate selection and the evolution of highly polymorphic self/nonself recognition genes
RK Grosberg, MW Hart
Science 289 (5487), 2111-2114, 2000
Spawning, copulation and inbreeding coefficients in marine invertebrates
JA Addison, MW Hart
Biology Letters 1 (4), 450-453, 2005
Colonization, dispersal, and hybridization influence phylogeography o north atlantic sea urchins (Strongylochntrotus droebachiensis)
JA Addison, MW Hart
Evolution 59 (3), 532-543, 2005
Analysis of population genetic structure of the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) using microsatellites
JA Addison, MW Hart
Marine Biology 144 (2), 243-251, 2004
Evolutionary loss of larval feeding: development, form and function in a facultatively feeding larva, Brisaster latifrons
MW Hart
Evolution, 174-187, 1996
What Aare the Costs of Small Egg Size for a Marine Invertebrate with Feeding Planktonic Larvae?
MW Hart
American Naturalist, 415-426, 1995
It’s about time: divergence, demography, and the evolution of developmental modes in marine invertebrates
MW Hart, PB Marko
Integrative and Comparative Biology 50 (4), 643-661, 2010
Divergence genetics analysis reveals historical population genetic processes leading to contrasting phylogeographic patterns in co‐distributed species
TM McGOVERN, CC Keever, CA Saski, MW Hart, PB Marko
Molecular Ecology 19 (22), 5043-5060, 2010
Reproduction and larval morphology of broadcasting and viviparous species in the Cryptasterina species complex
M Byrne, MW Hart, A Cerra, P Cisternas
The Biological Bulletin 205 (3), 285-294, 2003
Life history evolution and comparative developmental biology of echinoderms
MW Hart
Evolution & Development 4 (1), 62-71, 2002
Mechanisms and rates of suspension feeding
MW Hart, RR Strathmann
CRC Marine Science Series 6, 1995
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