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David F. Westneat
David F. Westneat
Department of Biology, University of Kentucky
uky.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Robustness of linear mixed effects models to violations of distributional assumptions
YGAA Holger Schielzeth, Niels J. Dingemanse, Shinichi Nakagawa, David F ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2020
The ecology and evolution of extra-pair copulations in birds
DF Westneat, PW Sherman, ML Morton
Current ornithology 7, 331-369, 1990
Extra-pair paternity in birds: causes, correlates, and conflict
DF Westneat, IRK Stewart
Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 34 (1), 365-396, 2003
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality
P Abbot, J Abe, J Alcock, S Alizon, JAC Alpedrinha, M Andersson, ...
Nature 471 (7339), E1-E4, 2011
DNA" fingerprinting" reveals high levels of inbreeding in colonies of the eusocial naked mole-rat.
HK Reeve, DF Westneat, WA Noon, PW Sherman, CF Aquadro
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (7), 2496-2500, 1990
Density and extra-pair fertilizations in birds: a comparative analysis
DF Westneat, PW Sherman
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 41, 205-215, 1997
Genetic parentage in the indigo bunting: a study using DNA fingerprinting
DF Westneat
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 27 (1), 67-76, 1990
Parentage and the evolution of parental behavior
DF Westneat, PW Sherman
Behavioral Ecology 4 (1), 66-77, 1993
The biology hidden inside residual within‐individual phenotypic variation
DF Westneat, J Wright, NJ Dingemanse
Biological Reviews 90 (3), 729-743, 2015
Evolutionary behavioral ecology
D Westneat, C Fox
Oxford University Press, 2010
Improved hybridization conditions for DNA ‘fingerprints’ probed with M13
DF Westneat, WA Noon, HK Reeve, CF Aquadro
Nucleic acids research 16 (9), 4161-4161, 1988
Extra-pair fertilizations in a predominantly monogamous bird: genetic evidence
DF Westneat
Animal Behaviour 35 (3), 877-886, 1987
Measuring the effects of pairing success, extra‐pair copulations and mate quality on the opportunity for sexual selection
MS Webster, S Pruett‐Jones, DF Westneat, SJ Arnold
Evolution 49 (6), 1147-1157, 1995
Individual variation in parental care reaction norms: integration of personality and plasticity
DF Westneat, MI Hatch, DP Wetzel, AL Ensminger
The American Naturalist 178 (5), 652-667, 2011
Polygyny and extrapair fertilizations in eastern red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus)
DF Westneat
Behavioral Ecology 4 (1), 49-60, 1993
Alternative hypotheses linking the immune system and mate choice for good genes
DF Westneat, TR Birkhead
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences …, 1998
Alternative mechanisms of nonindependent mate choice
DF Westneat, A Walters, TM McCarthy, MI Hatch, WK Hein
Animal Behaviour 59 (3), 467-476, 2000
Sex and parenting: the effects of sexual conflict and parentage on parental strategies
DF Westneat, RC Sargent
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 11 (2), 87-91, 1996
Extra-pair copulations in a predominantly monogamous bird: observations of behaviour
DF Westneat
Animal Behaviour 35 (3), 865-876, 1987
Male parental care and extrapair copulations in the indigo bunting
DF Westneat
The Auk 105 (1), 149-160, 1988
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