Takip et
Tânia Santos
Tânia Santos
campus.fct.unl.pt üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Experimental characterization of an earth eco-efficient plastering mortar
P Faria, T Santos, JE Aubert
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 28 (1), 04015085, 2016
Production of eco-efficient earth-based plasters: Influence of composition on physical performance and bio-susceptibility
T Santos, L Nunes, P Faria
Journal of Cleaner Production 167, 55-67, 2017
Comparison of mineralogical, mechanical and hygroscopic characteristic of earthen, gypsum and cement-based plasters
T Santos, MI Gomes, AS Silva, E Ferraz, P Faria
Construction and Building Materials 254, 119222, 2020
Can an earth plaster be efficient when applied on different masonries?
T Santos, P Faria, V Silva
Journal of Building Engineering 23, 314-323, 2019
Earth-based mortars for masonry plastering
P Faria, T Santos, V Silva
9th International Masonry Conference, CD-ROM, 2014
Eco-efficient earth plasters: The effect of sand grading and additions on fresh and mechanical properties
T Santos, P Faria, AS Silva
Journal of Building Engineering, 101591, 2020
Argamassas de terra para rebocos interiores. Ensaios de caracterização e influência da formulação
TRA Santos
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, 2014
Avaliação in situ do comportamento de rebocos exteriores de argamassas de terra com baixas adições de cais
T Santos, P Faria, AS Silva
Conservar Património, 11-21, 2017
Earth-based and current plasters–indoor air quality
T Santos, MI Gomes, F Coelho, P Faria
RILEM Pro 130, 5-20, 2019
Evaluating earthen mortars for rendering
T Santos, P Faria
Proceedings of TERRA 2016-XII World Congress on Earthen Architecture, 1-7, 2016
Avaliação de argamassas de terra para rebocos interiores
T Santos, P Faria
Tech ITT 13 (37), 18-30, 2015
Hygrothermal behaviour of earthen plasters for sustainable housing construction
P Faria, T Santos
40th IAHS World Congress on Housing. Sustainable Housing Construction, 1-10, 2014
Construção com base em terra: contributo para a ecoeficiência na construção
MI Gomes, T Santos, C Gonilho-Pereira, P Faria
SGA´ 19-Conferência Internacional sobre Sustentabilidade na Gestão Ambiental …, 2019
Argamassas de terra-Comportamento higrotérmico função da granulometria da areia
T Santos, V Silva, P Faria
PATORREB 2015–5ª Conferência sobre Patologia e Reabilitação de Edifícios …, 2015
Avaliação do envelhecimento natural e de tratamentos superficiais ecológicos em rebocos de terra Assessment of natural aging and ecological surface treatments in earth renders
T Santos, R Gomes, P Faria
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Makaleler 1–15