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Bart Weber
Bart Weber
Advanced Research Center for Nanolithography
arcnl.nl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Sliding friction on wet and dry sand
A Fall, B Weber, M Pakpour, N Lenoir, N Shahidzadeh, J Fiscina, ...
Physical review letters 112 (17), 175502, 2014
Molecular probes reveal deviations from Amontons’ law in multi-asperity frictional contacts
B Weber, T Suhina, T Junge, L Pastewka, AM Brouwer, D Bonn
Nature communications 9 (1), 888, 2018
Molecular insight into the slipperiness of ice
B Weber, Y Nagata, S Ketzetzi, F Tang, WJ Smit, HJ Bakker, EHG Backus, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 9 (11), 2838-2842, 2018
-shaped flow curves of shear thickening suspensions: Direct observation of frictional rheology
Z Pan, H De Cagny, B Weber, D Bonn
Physical Review E 92 (3), 032202, 2015
Fluorescence microscopy visualization of contacts between objects
T Suhina, B Weber, CE Carpentier, K Lorincz, P Schall, D Bonn, ...
Angewandte Chemie 127 (12), 3759-3762, 2015
Polishing of polycrystalline diamond using synergies between chemical and mechanical inputs: A review of mechanisms and processes
C Xiao, FC Hsia, A Sutton-Cook, B Weber, S Franklin
Carbon 196, 29-48, 2022
Colloidal aggregation in microgravity by critical Casimir forces
SJ Veen, O Antoniuk, B Weber, MAC Potenza, S Mazzoni, P Schall, ...
Physical Review Letters 109 (24), 248302, 2012
Frictional weakening of slip interfaces
B Weber, T Suhina, AM Brouwer, D Bonn
Science advances 5 (4), eaav7603, 2019
Friction on ice: How temperature, pressure, and speed control the slipperiness of ice
RW Liefferink, FC Hsia, B Weber, D Bonn
Physical Review X 11 (1), 011025, 2021
Rougher is more slippery: How adhesive friction decreases with increasing surface roughness due to the suppression of capillary adhesion
FC Hsia, S Franklin, P Audebert, AM Brouwer, D Bonn, B Weber
Physical Review Research 3 (4), 043204, 2021
Wear particle dynamics drive the difference between repeated and non-repeated reciprocated sliding
FC Hsia, FM Elam, D Bonn, B Weber, SE Franklin
Tribology International 142, 105983, 2020
Fluorescence microscopy visualization of the roughness-induced transition between lubrication regimes
D Petrova, B Weber, C Allain, P Audebert, CH Venner, AM Brouwer, ...
Science advances 5 (12), eaaw4761, 2019
Contribution of capillary adhesion to friction at macroscopic solid–solid interfaces
FC Hsia, CC Hsu, L Peng, FM Elam, C Xiao, S Franklin, D Bonn, B Weber
Physical Review Applied 17 (3), 034034, 2022
Ageing of polymer frictional interfaces: The role of quantity and quality of contact
D Petrova, DK Sharma, M Vacha, D Bonn, AM Brouwer, B Weber
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (8), 9890-9895, 2020
Dynamics of colloidal aggregation in microgravity by critical Casimir forces
MAC Potenza, A Manca, SJ Veen, B Weber, S Mazzoni, P Schall, ...
Europhysics Letters 106 (6), 68005, 2014
Visualizing the structural solid–liquid transition at colloidal crystal/fluid interfaces
VD Nguyen, MT Dang, B Weber, Z Hu, P Schall
Advanced materials 23 (24), 2716-2720, 2011
Ploughing friction on wet and dry sand
RW Liefferink, B Weber, D Bonn
Physical Review E 98 (5), 052903, 2018
The influence of corrosion on diamond-like carbon topography and friction at the nanoscale
FM Elam, FC Hsia, S van Vliet, R Bliem, L Yang, B Weber, SE Franklin
Carbon 179, 590-599, 2021
Experimental insights into adhesion and friction between nominally dry rough surfaces
B Weber, J Scheibert, MP de Boer, A Dhinojwala
MRS Bulletin 47 (12), 1237-1246, 2022
Nonmonotonic friction due to water capillary adhesion and hydrogen bonding at multiasperity interfaces
L Peng, FC Hsia, S Woutersen, M Bonn, B Weber, D Bonn
Physical Review Letters 129 (25), 256101, 2022
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