Takip et
Dr. G.P. Obi Reddy
Dr. G.P. Obi Reddy
Principal Scientist & Head, Division of Remote Sensing Application, ICAR-NBSS&LUP, Nagpur
icar.gov.in üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Drainage morphometry and its influence on landform characteristics in a basaltic terrain, Central India–a remote sensing and GIS approach
GPO Reddy, AK Maji, KS Gajbhiye
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 6 (1 …, 2004
Global irrigated area map (GIAM), derived from remote sensing, for the end of the last millennium
PS Thenkabail, CM Biradar, P Noojipady, V Dheeravath, Y Li, M Velpuri, ...
International journal of remote sensing 30 (14), 3679-3733, 2009
A global map of rainfed cropland areas (GMRCA) at the end of last millennium using remote sensing
CM Biradar, PS Thenkabail, P Noojipady, Y Li, V Dheeravath, H Turral, ...
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 11 (2 …, 2009
GIS for morhophometric analysis of drainage basins
G.P. Obi Reddy., Maji, A.K., K.S.Gajbhiye.
GIS India 11 (9), 9-14, 2002
Degraded and wastelands of India: status and spatial distribution
AK Maji, GPO Reddy, D Sarkar
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, 2010
Evaluation of groundwater potential zones using remote sensing data-A case study of Gaimukh watershed, Bhandara District, Maharashtra
GPO Reddy, KC Mouli, SK Srivastav, CV Srinivas, AK Maji
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing 28 (1), 19-32, 2000
GIS-based multicriteria overlay analysis in soil-suitability evaluation for cotton (Gossypium spp.): A case study in the black soil region of Central India
N Walke, GPO Reddy, AK Maji, S Thayalan
Computers & Geosciences 41, 108-118, 2012
Irrigated areas of India derived using MODIS 500 m time series for the years 2001–2003
V Dheeravath, PS Thenkabail, G Chandrakantha, P Noojipady, ...
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 65 (1), 42-59, 2010
Irrigated area maps and statistics of India using remote sensing and national statistics
PS Thenkabail, V Dheeravath, CM Biradar, ORP Gangalakunta, ...
Remote Sensing 1 (2), 50-67, 2009
Monitoring of agricultural drought in semi-arid ecosystem of Peninsular India through indices derived from time-series CHIRPS and MODIS datasets
P Sandeep, GPO Reddy, R Jegankumar, KCA Kumar
Ecological Indicators 121, 107033, 2021
Assessment of soil erosion in fragile Himalayan ecosystem of Uttarakhand using USLE and GIS for sustainable productivity
S.K. Mahapatra, G.P. Obi Reddy, Ritu Nagdev, R.P. Yadav, S.K. Singh and V.N ...
Current Science 115 (1), 108-121, 2018
Monitoring spatio-temporal dynamics of urban and peri-urban landscape using remote sensing and GIS – A case study from Central India
Rajmita Kar, G.P. Obi Reddy, Nirmal Kuma, S.K. Singh
The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences 21 (3), 401-411, 2018
Assessment of land suitability for maize (Zea mays L) in semi-arid ecosystem of southern India using integrated AHP and GIS approach
V Ramamurthy, GPO Reddy, Kumar, N.
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 179, 105806, 2020
Characterization and classification of landforms and soils over basaltic terrain in sub-humid tropics of Central India
AK Maji, GPO Reddy, S Thayalan, NJ Walke
Journal of Indian Society of Soil Science 53 (2), 154, 2005
Soil and land quality indicators of the Indo-Gangetic Plains of India
SK Ray, T Bhattacharyya, KR Reddy, DK Pal, P Chandran, P Tiwary, ...
Current Science, 1470-1486, 2014
Digital database of salt affected soils in India using Geographic Information System
AK Mandal, GPO Reddy, T Ravisankar
Journal of Soil Salinity & Water Quality 3 (1), 16-29, 2011
Integrated drought monitoring index: A tool to monitor agricultural drought by using time-series datasets of space-based earth observation satellites
KCA Kumar, GPO Reddy, P Masilamani, SY Turkar, P Sandeep
Advances in Space Research 67, 298-315, 2021
Morphometric analysis in basaltic terrain of Central India using GIS techniques: A case study
N Sahu, GPO Reddy, N Kumar, MSS Nagaraju, R Srivastava, SK Singh
Applied Water Science, 1-7, 2016
Geospatial technologies in land resources mapping, monitoring, and management: An overview
GPO Reddy
In: Geospatial Technologies in Land Resources Mapping, Monitoring and …, 2018
Modeling and assessment of land degradation vulnerability in semi-arid ecosystem of Southern India using temporal satellite data, AHP and GIS
P Sandeep, GPO Reddy, R Jegankumar, KCA Kumar
Environmental Modeling & Assessment 26 (2), 143-154, 2021
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