Ionospheric total electron content variations observed before earthquakes: Possible physical mechanism and modeling AA Namgaladze, OV Zolotov, IE Zakharenkova, II Shagimuratov, ... Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета 12 (2), 308-315, 2009 | 60 | 2009 |
Manifestations of the earthquake preparations in the ionosphere total electron content variations AA Namgaladze, OV Zolotov, MI Karpov, YV Romanovskaya Natural science 4 (11), 848-855, 2012 | 59 | 2012 |
Physical interpretation and mathematical simulation of ionospheric precursors of earthquakes at midlatitudes OV Zolotov, AA Namgaladze, IE Zakharenkova, OV Martynenko, ... Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 52, 390-397, 2012 | 54 | 2012 |
Electromagnetic drivers in the upper atmosphere: Observations and modeling AA Namgaladze, M Förster, BE Prokhorov, OV Zolotov The Atmosphere and Ionosphere: Elementary Processes, Discharges and …, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Numerical simulation of the variations in the total electron content of the ionosphere observed before the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010 AA Namgaladze, OV Zolotov, BE Prokhorov Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 53, 522-528, 2013 | 30 | 2013 |
Possible mechanism of the TEC enhancements observed before earthquakes AA Namgaladze, II Shagimuratov, IE Zakharenkova, OV Zolotov, ... XXIV IUGG General Assembly, Perugia, Italy 2, 13, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |
Total electron content disturbances prior to Great Tohoku March 11, 2011 and October 23, 2011 Turkey Van earthquakes and their physical interpretation OV Zolotov, AA Namgaladze, BE Prokhorov arXiv preprint arXiv:1205.6118, 2012 | 28 | 2012 |
Modeling of total electron content disturbances caused by electric currents between the Earth and the ionosphere MI Karpov, AA Namgaladze, OV Zolotov Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 7, 594-598, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
Searching for seismo-ionospheric earthquakes precursors: Total electron content disturbances before 2005-2006 seismic events ЮВ Романовская, АА Намгаладзе, ОВ Золотов, НА Старикова, ... Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета 15 (2), 477-481, 2012 | 20 | 2012 |
The TEC signatures as strong seismic event precursors AA Namgaladze, OV Zolotov, BE Prockhorov 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 1-4, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Modeling of the ionosphere response on the earthquake preparation МИ Карпов, ОВ Золотов, АА Намгаладзе Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета 15 (2), 471-476, 2012 | 18 | 2012 |
Comment on “An improved coupling model for the lithosphere‐atmosphere‐ionosphere system” by Kuo et al.[2014] BE Prokhorov, OV Zolotov Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 122 (4), 4865-4868, 2017 | 15 | 2017 |
Ionosphere quasistatic electric fields disturbances over seismically active regions as inferred from satellite-based observations: A review OV Zolotov Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 9, 785-788, 2015 | 14 | 2015 |
Variations in the total electron content of the ionosphere during preparation of earthquakes OV Zolotov, BE Prokhorov, AA Namgaladze, OV Martynenko Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 5, 435-438, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Specific features of ionospheric total electron content variations in the periods of preparation of the earthquakes on March 11, 2011 (Japan) and October 23, 2011 (Turkey) OV Zolotov, AA Namgaladze, BE Prokhorov Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 7, 599-605, 2013 | 13 | 2013 |
Modeling of the ionospheric earthquake precursors generated by various electric field sources OV Zolotov, AA Namgaladze, IE Zakharenkova, II Shagimuratov, ... Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences 10, 7-18, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Simulations of the equatorial ionosphere response to the seismic electric field sources OV Zolotov, AA Namgaladze, IE Zakharenkova, II Shagimuratov, ... Proceedings of the 7th International Conference Problems of Geocosmos. St …, 2008 | 12 | 2008 |
Three-dimensional structure of the seismo-electromagnetic ionospheric electron density disturbances МИ Карпов, АА Намгаладзе, ОВ Золотов Вестник Мурманского государственного технического университета 15 (3), 595-603, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Ionospheric effects from different seismogenic electric field sources AA Namgaladze, OV Zolotov 2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, 1-4, 2011 | 10 | 2011 |
Variations of the ionosphere Total Electron Content before earthquakes OV Zolotov, BE Prokhorov, AA Namgaladze, OV Martynenko Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry B 5 (3), 435-438, 2011 | 9 | 2011 |