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Kelly G. Shaver
Kelly G. Shaver
cofc.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Person, process, choice: The psychology of new venture creation
KG Shaver, LR Scott
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 16 (2), 23-45, 1991
The attribution of blame: Causality, responsibility, and blameworthiness
KG Shaver
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
The career reasons of nascent entrepreneurs
NM Carter, WB Gartner, KG Shaver, EJ Gatewood
Journal of Business venturing 18 (1), 13-39, 2003
Defensive attribution: Effects of severity and relevance on the responsibility assigned for an accident.
KG Shaver
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology; Journal of Personality and …, 1970
A longitudinal study of cognitive factors influencing start-up behaviors and success at venture creation
EJ Gatewood, KG Shaver, WB Gartner
Journal of business venturing 10 (5), 371-391, 1995
An introduction to attribution processes
KG Shaver
Winthrop, Cambridge, MA, 1975
Handbook of entrepreneurial dynamics
WB Gartner, KG Shaver, NM Carter, PD Reynolds
Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, 2004
Finding the entrepreneur in entrepreneurship
WB Gartner, KG Shaver, E Gatewood, JA Katz
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 18 (3), 5-9, 1994
Entrepreneurial expectancy, task effort, and performance*
EJ Gatewood, KG Shaver, JB Powers, WB Gartner
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 27 (2), 187-206, 2002
On causality, responsibility, and self-blame: A theoretical note.
KG Shaver, D Drown
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 50 (4), 697-702, 1986
L. Rock, KG Shaver, GR Goethals, LM Ward. 1968. Patterns of performance and ability attribution: An unexpected primacy effect
EE Jones
J. Personality and Soc. Psych 10, 317-341, 0
Deciding on an entrepreneurial career: A test of the pull and push hypotheses using the Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics data
L Schjoedt, KG Shaver
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 31 (5), 733-752, 2007
Principles of social psychology (3rd ed.)
KG Shaver
Erlbaum, 1987
Understanding gendered variations in business growth intentions across the life course
AE Davis, KG Shaver
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 36, 495-512, 2012
One size does not fit all: Entrepreneurial expectancies and growth intentions of US women and men nascent entrepreneurs
TS Manolova, CG Brush, LF Edelman, KG Shaver
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 24 (1-2), 7-27, 2012
Factors determining the choice of a comparison other
L Wheeler, KG Shaver, RA Jones, GR Goethals, J Cooper, JE Robinson, ...
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 5, 219-232, 1969
Attributions about entrepreneurship: A framework and process for analyzing reasons for starting a business
KG Shaver, WB Gartner, E Crosby, K Bakalarova, EJ Gatewood
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Winter 26 (2), 5-32, 2001
The entrepreneurial personality myth
KG Shaver
Business and Economic Review 41 (3), 20-23, 1995
Empathy and birth order: Some experimental explorations.
E Stotland, SE Sherman, KG Shaver
U. Nebraska Press, 1971
The social psychology of entrepreneurial behavior
KG Shaver
Springer, 2010
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