Takip et
Jean-Michel Jault
Jean-Michel Jault
CNRS, UMR5086 CNRS/Univ. de Lyon
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Alıntı yapanlar
Flavonoids: a class of modulators with bifunctional interactions at vicinal ATP-and steroid-binding sites on mouse P-glycoprotein
G Conseil, H Baubichon-Cortay, G Dayan, JM Jault, D Barron, A Di Pietro
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (17), 9831-9836, 1998
Cytomegalovirus infection induces high levels of cyclins, phosphorylated Rb, and p53, leading to cell cycle arrest
FM Jault, JM Jault, F Ruchti, EA Fortunato, C Clark, J Corbeil, ...
Journal of virology 69 (11), 6697-6704, 1995
Modulation by flavonoids of cell multidrug resistance mediated by P-glycoprotein and related ABC transporters
A Di Pietro, G Conseil, JM Perez-Victoria, G Dayan, H Baubichon-Cortay, ...
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS 59, 307-322, 2002
The conserved glutamate residue adjacent to the Walker-B motif is the catalytic base for ATP hydrolysis in the ATP-binding cassette transporter BmrA
C Orelle, O Dalmas, P Gros, A Di Pietro, JM Jault
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (47), 47002-47008, 2003
Characterization of YvcC (BmrA), a Multidrug ABC Transporter Constitutively Expressed in Bacillus subtilis
E Steinfels, C Orelle, JR Fantino, O Dalmas, JL Rigaud, F Denizot, ...
Biochemistry 43 (23), 7491-7502, 2004
The HPr kinase from Bacillus subtilis is a homo-oligomeric enzyme which exhibits strong positive cooperativity for nucleotide and fructose 1, 6-bisphosphate binding
JM Jault, S Fieulaine, S Nessler, P Gonzalo, A Di Pietro, J Deutscher, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (3), 1773-1780, 2000
Slow binding of ATP to noncatalytic nucleotide binding sites which accelerates catalysis is responsible for apparent negative cooperativity exhibited by the bovine …
JM Jault, WS Allison
Journal of Biological Chemistry 268 (3), 1558-1566, 1993
A common mechanism for ATP hydrolysis in ABC transporter and helicase superfamilies
C Geourjon, C Orelle, E Steinfels, C Blanchet, G Deléage, A Di Pietro, ...
Trends in biochemical sciences 26 (9), 539-544, 2001
Multidrug ABC transporters in bacteria
C Orelle, K Mathieu, JM Jault
Research in microbiology 170 (8), 381-391, 2019
Dynamics of a bacterial multidrug ABC transporter in the inward-and outward-facing conformations
S Mehmood, C Domene, E Forest, JM Jault
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (27), 10832-10836, 2012
Structuring detergents for extracting and stabilizing functional membrane proteins
R Matar-Merheb, M Rhimi, A Leydier, F Huché, C Galián, ...
PloS one 6 (3), e18036, 2011
Three-dimensional structure by cryo-electron microscopy of YvcC, an homodimeric ATP-binding cassette transporter from Bacillus subtilis
M Chami, E Steinfels, C Orelle, JM Jault, A Di Pietro, JL Rigaud, S Marco
Journal of molecular biology 315 (5), 1075-1085, 2002
Two FHA domains on an ABC transporter, Rv1747, mediate its phosphorylation by PknF, a Ser/Thr protein kinase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
V Molle, D Soulat, JM Jault, C Grangeasse, AJ Cozzone, JF Prost
FEMS microbiology letters 234 (2), 215-223, 2006
Multiple GTPases Participate in the Assembly of the Large Ribosomal Subunit in Bacillus subtilis
L Schaefer, WC Uicker, C Wicker-Planquart, AE Foucher, JM Jault, ...
Journal of bacteriology 188 (23), 8252-8258, 2006
Binding of steroid modulators to recombinant cytosolic domain from mouse P-glycoprotein in close proximity to the ATP site
G Dayan, JM Jault, H Baubichon-Cortay, LG Baggetto, JM Renoir, ...
Biochemistry 36 (49), 15208-15215, 1997
Conformational change induced by ATP binding in the multidrug ATP-binding cassette transporter BmrA
C Orelle, F Gubellini, A Durand, S Marco, D Lévy, P Gros, A Di Pietro, ...
Biochemistry 47 (8), 2404-2412, 2008
Protein kinase C effectors bind to multidrug ABC transporters and inhibit their activity
G Conseil, JM Perez-Victoria, JM Jault, F Gamarro, A Goffeau, J Hofmann, ...
Biochemistry 40 (8), 2564-2571, 2001
The. alpha. 3. beta. 3. gamma. complex of the F1-ATPase from thermophilic Bacillus PS3 containing the. alpha. D261N substitution fails to dissociate inhibitory MgADP from a …
JM Jault, T Matsui, FM Jault, C Kaibara, E Muneyuki, M Yoshida, ...
Biochemistry 34 (50), 16412-16418, 1995
Small angle neutron scattering for the study of solubilised membrane proteins
C Breyton, F Gabel, M Lethier, A Flayhan, G Durand, JM Jault, ...
The European Physical Journal E 36, 1-16, 2013
P-glycoprotein-mediated resistance to chemotherapy in cancer cells: using recombinant cytosolic domains to establish structure-function relationships
A Di Pietro, G Dayan, G Conseil, E Steinfels, T Krell, D Trompier, ...
Brazilian journal of medical and biological research 32, 925-939, 1999
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