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Gabriela Topa
Gabriela Topa
UNED. Department of Social and Organizational Psychology
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The influence of transformational leadership and organizational identification on intrapreneurship
JA Moriano, F Molero, G Topa, JP Lévy Mangin
International entrepreneurship and management journal 10, 103-119, 2014
Antecedents and consequences of retirement planning and decision-making: A meta-analysis and model
G Topa, CM Moriano, JA, Alcover, M Morales, FJ y Depolo
Journal of Vocational Behavior 75, 38-55, 2009
Work engagement: A meta-analysis using the job demands-resources model
G Mazzetti, E Robledo, M Vignoli, G Topa, D Guglielmi, WB Schaufeli
Psychological reports 126 (3), 1069-1107, 2023
Theory of planned behavior and smoking: Meta-analysis and SEM model
G Topa, JA Moriano
Substance abuse and rehabilitation, 23-33, 2010
Mobbing: a meta-analysis and integrative model of its antecedents and consequences
G Topa, M Depolo, JF Morales
Psicothema 19 (1), 88-94, 2007
Psicología del trabajo
CM Alcover de la Hera, JA Moriano León, A Osca Segovia, ...
Psicología del trabajo, 2012
Authentic leadership and its effect on employees' organizational citizenship behaviours
SE Valsania, JAM León, FM Alonso, GT Cantisano
Psicothema, 561-566, 2012
Early retirement: a meta-analysis of its antecedent and subsequent correlates
G Topa, M Depolo, CM Alcover
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2157, 2018
Financial planning for retirement: a psychosocial perspective
G Topa, G Lunceford, RE Boyatzis
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2338, 2018
Identificación organizacional y conducta “intraemprendedora”
JA Moriano, G Topa, E Valero, JP Lévy
Anales de Psicología/Annals of Psychology 25 (2), 277-287, 2009
Psychological contract breach and outcomes: Combining meta-analysis and structural equation models
G Topa, JF Morales, M Depolo
Psicothema, 487-496, 2008
La responsabilidad social empresarial
A Moreno, LM Uriarte, G Topa
España: Madrid, 2010
Perceived sexual harassment at work: Meta-analysis and structural model of antecedents and consequences
GT Cantisano, JFM Domínguez, M Depolo
The Spanish journal of psychology 11 (1), 207-218, 2008
Job crafting as a mediator between work engagement and wellbeing outcomes: A time-lagged study
E Robledo, S Zappalà, G Topa
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (8), 1376, 2019
Organizational justice and work stress: The mediating role of negative, but not positive, emotions
V Pérez-Rodríguez, G Topa, M Beléndez
Personality and Individual Differences 151, 109392, 2019
Financial management behavior among young adults: The role of need for cognitive closure in a three-wave moderated mediation model
G Topa, M Hernández-Solís, S Zappalà
Frontiers in Psychology 9, 2419, 2018
La relación de la cultura de los grupos con la satisfacción y el compromiso de sus miembros: un análisis multi-grupo
GT Cantisano, AL Bañuelos, FP Descals, EA Amo
Psicothema 16 (3), 363-368, 2004
Psychosocial factors in retirement intentions and adjustment: A multi-sample study
CM Topa, Gabriela y Alcover
Journal of Career Development 20 (4), 384-408., 2015
A meta-analysis of psychological empowerment: Antecedents, organizational outcomes, and moderating variables
M Llorente-Alonso, C García-Ael, G Topa
Current Psychology 43 (2), 1759-1784, 2024
Stress and nurses' horizontal mobbing: Moderating effects of group identity and group support
G Topa, JA Moriano
Nursing outlook 61 (3), e25-e31, 2013
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