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Jelena Mirković
Jelena Mirković
York St John University
york.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Incrementality and prediction in human sentence processing
GTM Altmann, J Mirković
Cognitive science 33 (4), 583-609, 2009
Animacy and competition in relative clause production: A cross-linguistic investigation
SP Gennari, J Mirković, MC MacDonald
Cognitive psychology 65 (2), 141-176, 2012
Real-time grammar processing by native and non-native speakers: Constructions unique to the second language
D Trenkic, J Mirkovic, GTM Altmann
Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17, 237-257, 2014
Where does gender come from? Evidence from a complex inflectional system
J Mirković, MC MacDonald, MS Seidenberg
Language and Cognitive Processes 20, 139-168, 2005
Does sleep improve your grammar? Preferential consolidation of arbitrary components of new linguistic knowledge
J Mirković, MG Gaskell
PloS one 11 (4), e0152489, 2016
Rules versus statistics: Insights from a highly inflected language
J Mirković, MS Seidenberg, MF Joanisse
Cognitive science 35 (4), 638-681, 2011
The role of language production mechanisms in children's sentence repetition: Evidence from an inflectionally rich language
S Nag, MJ Snowling, J Mirković
Applied Psycholinguistics 39 (2), 303-325, 2018
When singular and plural are both grammatical: Semantic and morphophonological effects in agreement
J Mirković, MC MacDonald
Journal of Memory and Language 69 (3), 277-298, 2013
Speech perception and spoken word recognition
MG Gaskell, J Mirkovic
Psychology Press, 2016
Similarity-based competition in relative clause production and comprehension
GF Humphreys, J Mirković, SP Gennari
Journal of Memory and Language 89, 200-221, 2016
Mapping spoken words to meaning
JS Magnuson
Speech perception and spoken word recognition, 86-106, 2016
Processing of inflected nouns and levels of cognitive sensitivity
AĐ Kostić, J Mirković
Psihologija 35 (3-4), 287-297, 2002
The role of complementary learning systems in learning and consolidation in a quasi-regular domain
J Mirković, L Vinals, MG Gaskell
Cortex 116, 228-249, 2019
The role of animacy in relative clause production
SP Gennari
Paper presented at the 17^< th> Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence …, 2005
Probabilistic nature of inflectional structure: Insights from a highly inflected language
J Mirkovic, MS Seidenberg, MF Joanisse
Cognitive Science 35 (4), 638-681, 2011
Semantic Regularities in Grammatical Categories: Learning Grammatical Gender in an Artificial Language
J Mirkovic, S Forrest, MG Gaskell
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2011
Unfolding meaning in context: The dynamics of conceptual similarity
J Mirković, GTM Altmann
Cognition 183, 19-43, 2019
Acquisition and representation of grammatical categories: Grammatical gender in a connectionist network
J Mirkovic, MS Seidenberg, MC MacDonald
Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2008
Statistical nature of inflectional structure: Insights from a highly inflected language
J Mirkovic, MS Seidenberg, MF Joanisse
Manuscript in preparation, 2004
Grammatical generalisation in statistical learning: Is it implicit and invariant across development?
AJ Hickey, ME Hayiou-Thomas, J Mirković
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2019
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