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Abhishek .
Abhishek .
IMT Ghaziabad
iima.ac.in üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Mapping the influence of influencer marketing: a bibliometric analysis
M Srivastava
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 39 (7), 979-1003, 2021
India’s food system in the time of COVID-19
BV Abhishek, P Gupta, M Kaushik, A Kishore, R Kumar, A Sharma, ...
Economic and political weekly 55 (15), 12-14, 2020
Adoption of sensor based communication for mobile marketing in India
S Hemchand
Journal of Indian Business Research 8 (1), 65-76, 2016
Role of haptic touch in shopping: Some methodological contributions
S Abhishek, PK Sinha, N Vohra
Decision 40, 153-163, 2013
Role of culture in celebrity endorsement: brand endorsement by celebrities in the Indian context
Abhishek, A Sahay
International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management 13 (3), 394-413, 2016
Influence of media context on humorous advertising effectiveness
K Khandeparkar
Marketing Intelligence & Planning 35 (2), 259-276, 2017
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) and customer brand engagement (CBE): do they really go hand-in-hand?
M Srivastava, S Abhishek, N Pandey
Electronic Commerce Research, 1-69, 2023
Quality perceptions of private label brands conceptual framework and agenda for research
A Koshy
Indian Institute of Management 2008, 2-22, 2008
Patanjali Ayurved Limited: driving the ayurvedic food product market
S Thomas, S Vatavwala
Case studies in food retailing and distribution, 119-135, 2019
Private label brand choice dynamics Logit model involving demographic and psychographic variables
B Abhishek
Working Papers-IIM-A, 2011
Do time constraint and emergency purchase situation exert same influence on shopping? A study under haptic touch influence
Journal of retailing and consumer services 30, 242-251, 2016
Realigning business strategy to cater to customers with disability (CwD) in the Indian context
Abhishek, R Saxena
Vikalpa 40 (2), 121-131, 2015
The potential of mobile coupons: Current status and future promises
N Mathen
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014
IndiaFirst Life insurance: planning next-level growth by corporate entrepreneurship
AS Ghura, Abhishek
Vision 26 (3), 395-401, 2022
Service Experience at Passport Seva Kendra
R Saxena, S Popli, Abhishek
Vikalpa 46 (4), 236-243, 2021
Strategic application of mobile couponing in Indian market
Abhishek, N Titus
Strategic Marketing Issues in Emerging Markets, 139-150, 2018
Online Promotions: Exploring the emerging opportunity in Indian market
N Mathen
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, 2014
Neons Fashion LLP (A): A Small Seller on the Amazon Marketplace
S Mukherjee, S Balasubramani
Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, 1-21, 2023
Roadblock Advertising In the Digital Context: Does Paying to Limit Competing Messages Pay Off?
B Parida, CR Taylor, Abhishek
Journal of Advertising Research 62 (3), 271-288, 2022
Green advertising: the progress of three decades (1991-2020)
A Abhishek, B Sindhav, J Holland, PT Adidam
Mountain Plains Journal of Business and Technology 23 (1), 6, 2022
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