Takip et
Rob Landel
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Management of patellofemoral pain targeting hip, pelvis, and trunk muscle function: 2 case reports
CL Mascal, R Landel, C Powers
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 33 (11), 647-660, 2003
Timing and intensity of vastus muscle activity during functional activities in subjects with and without patellofemoral pain
CM Powers, R Landel, J Perry
Physical therapy 76 (9), 946-955, 1996
Physical therapy evaluation and treatment after concussion/mild traumatic brain injury: clinical practice guidelines linked to the international classification of functioning …
CC Quatman-Yates, A Hunter-Giordano, KK Shimamura, R Landel, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 50 (4), CPG1-CPG73, 2020
The effects of patellar taping on stride characteristics and joint motion in subjects with patellofemoral pain
CM Powers, R Landel, T Sosnick, J Kirby, K Mengel, A Cheney, J Perry
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 26 (6), 286-291, 1997
Segmental lumbar mobility in individuals with low back pain: in vivo assessment during manual and self-imposed motion using dynamic MRI
K Kulig, CM Powers, RF Landel, H Chen, M Fredericson, M Guillet, ...
BMC musculoskeletal disorders 8, 1-10, 2007
Assessment of lumbar spine kinematics using dynamic MRI: a proposed mechanism of sagittal plane motion induced by manual posterior-to-anterior mobilization
K Kulig, RF Landel, CM Powers
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 34 (2), 57-64, 2004
Effects of a single session of posterior-to-anterior spinal mobilization and press-up exercise on pain response and lumbar spine extension in people with nonspecific low back pain
CM Powers, GJ Beneck, K Kulig, RF Landel, M Fredericson
Physical Therapy 88 (4), 485-493, 2008
Patellar tendon morphology in volleyball athletes with and without patellar tendinopathy
K Kulig, R Landel, YJ Chang, N Hannanvash, SF Reischl, P Song, ...
Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports 23 (2), e81-e88, 2013
Intertester reliability and validity of motion assessments during lumbar spine accessory motion testing
R Landel, K Kulig, M Fredericson, B Li, CM Powers
Physical therapy 88 (1), 43-49, 2008
Differential diagnosis and treatment of subcalcaneal heel pain: a case report
J Meyer, K Kulig, R Landel
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 32 (3), 114-124, 2002
The relationship between lumbar segmental motion and pain response produced by a posterior-to-anterior force in persons with nonspecific low back pain
GJ Beneck, K Kulig, RF Landel, CM Powers
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 35 (4), 203-209, 2005
Treatment of testicular pain using conservative management of the thoracolumbar spine: a case report
KL Doubleday, K Kulig, R Landel
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 84 (12), 1903-1905, 2003
The use of a modified classification system in the treatment of low back pain during pregnancy: a case report
SM Requejo, R Barnes, K Kulig, R Landel, S Gonzalez
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 32 (7), 318-326, 2002
Positive patient outcome after manual cervical spine management despite a positive vertebral artery test
EG Johnson, R Landel, RS Kusunose, TD Appel
Manual Therapy 13 (4), 367-371, 2008
A treatment-based profiling model for physical therapy management of patients following a concussive event
B Alsalaheen, R Landel, A Hunter-Giordano, KK Shimamura, ...
journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy 49 (11), 829-841, 2019
Physical therapists' role in prevention and management of patellar tendinopathy injuries in youth, collegiate, and middle-aged indoor volleyball athletes
K Kulig, LM Noceti-DeWit, SF Reischl, RF Landel
Brazilian journal of physical therapy 19 (5), 410-420, 2015
The effects of concentric versus eccentric isokinetic strength training of the rotator cuff in the plane of the scapula at various speeds.
SC Bast, CT Vangsness Jr, J Takemura, E Folkins, R Landel
Bulletin (Hospital for Joint Diseases (New York, NY)) 57 (3), 139-144, 1998
Letter to the editor Re: Mansfield et al. Systematic review of the diagnostic accuracy, reliability, and safety of the Sharp–Purser test. JMMT 2020, VOL. 28, NO. 2, 72–81
R Landel
Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 29 (6), 337-338, 2021
Concussion rehabilitation through a cervical spine intervention lens: a scoping review
N Gulla, K Ford, R Landel, B Callan, MS Briggs, C Quatman-Yates
Physical Therapy Reviews, 1-17, 2025
On" Intertester reliability and validity of motion assessments..." Landel et al. Phys Ther. 2008; 88: 43-49/Author Response
JH Abbott, R Landel, K Kulig, M Fredericson, B Li, CM Powers
Physical Therapy 88 (4), 536, 2008
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