Red cells’ dynamic morphologies govern blood shear thinning under microcirculatory flow conditions L Lanotte, J Mauer, S Mendez, DA Fedosov, JM Fromental, V Claveria, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113 (47), 13289-13294, 2016 | 288 | 2016 |
Speech can produce jet-like transport relevant to asymptomatic spreading of virus M Abkarian, S Mendez, N Xue, F Yang, HA Stone Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (41), 25237-25245, 2020 | 228 | 2020 |
Image-based large-eddy simulation in a realistic left heart C Chnafa, S Mendez, F Nicoud Computers & Fluids 94, 173-187, 2014 | 218 | 2014 |
On the use of the Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings equation to predict far-field jet noise from large-eddy simulations S Mendez, M Shoeybi, SK Lele, P Moin International Journal of Aeroacoustics 12 (1-2), 1-20, 2013 | 172 | 2013 |
Acoustic modeling of perforated plates with bias flow for large-eddy simulations S Mendez, JD Eldredge Journal of Computational Physics 228 (13), 4757-4772, 2009 | 166 | 2009 |
Flow-induced transitions of red blood cell shapes under shear J Mauer, S Mendez, L Lanotte, F Nicoud, M Abkarian, G Gompper, ... Physical review letters 121 (11), 118103, 2018 | 136 | 2018 |
Large-eddy simulation of a bi-periodic turbulent flow with effusion S Mendez, F Nicoud Journal of Fluid Mechanics 598, 27-65, 2008 | 126 | 2008 |
Adiabatic homogeneous model for flow around a multiperforated plate S Mendez, F Nicoud AIAA journal 46 (10), 2623-2633, 2008 | 115 | 2008 |
Image-based simulations show important flow fluctuations in a normal left ventricle: what could be the implications? C Chnafa, S Mendez, F Nicoud Annals of biomedical engineering 44, 3346-3358, 2016 | 89 | 2016 |
Towards improved social distancing guidelines: Space and time dependence of virus transmission from speech-driven aerosol transport between two individuals F Yang, AA Pahlavan, S Mendez, M Abkarian, HA Stone Physical Review Fluids 5 (12), 122501, 2020 | 83 | 2020 |
An unstructured solver for simulations of deformable particles in flows at arbitrary Reynolds numbers S Mendez, E Gibaud, F Nicoud Journal of computational physics 256, 465-483, 2014 | 73 | 2014 |
Conjugate heat transfer with large eddy simulation for gas turbine components F Duchaine, S Mendez, F Nicoud, A Corpron, V Moureau, T Poinsot Comptes Rendus Mecanique 337 (6-7), 550-561, 2009 | 58 | 2009 |
About the numerical robustness of biomedical benchmark cases: Interlaboratory FDA's idealized medical device V Zmijanovic, S Mendez, V Moureau, F Nicoud International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 33 (1 …, 2017 | 55 | 2017 |
Biomechanical assessment of the individual risk of rupture of cerebral aneurysms: a proof of concept M Sanchez, D Ambard, V Costalat, S Mendez, F Jourdan, F Nicoud Annals of biomedical engineering 41, 28-40, 2013 | 53 | 2013 |
Large-eddy simulations of perfectly expanded supersonic jets using an unstructured solver S Mendez, M Shoeybi, A Sharma, FE Ham, SK Lele, P Moin AIAA journal 50 (5), 1103-1118, 2012 | 53 | 2012 |
Intraventricular vector flow mapping—A Doppler-based regularized problem with automatic model selection KC Assi, E Gay, C Chnafa, S Mendez, F Nicoud, JFPJ Abascal, ... Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (17), 7131, 2017 | 52 | 2017 |
Implementation methods of wall functions in cell-vertex numerical solvers F Jaegle, O Cabrit, S Mendez, T Poinsot Flow, turbulence and combustion 85, 245-272, 2010 | 51 | 2010 |
Fluid‐structure interaction of a pulsatile flow with an aortic valve model: A combined experimental and numerical study J Sigüenza, D Pott, S Mendez, SJ Sonntag, TAS Kaufmann, U Steinseifer, ... International journal for numerical methods in biomedical engineering 34 (4 …, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
How should the optical tweezers experiment be used to characterize the red blood cell membrane mechanics? J Sigüenza, S Mendez, F Nicoud Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology 16, 1645-1657, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Large-eddy simulations of perfectly-expanded supersonic jets: Quality assessment and validation S Mendez, M Shoeybi, A Sharma, F Ham, S Lele, P Moin 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and …, 2010 | 43 | 2010 |