Takip et
Sabahattin Cihad Yurt
Sabahattin Cihad Yurt
PhD EE, RF Front-End NPI Engineer, Qualcomm.
qti.qualcomm.com üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Design of a metamaterial slow wave structure for an O-type high power microwave generator
SC Yurt, MI Fuks, S Prasad, E Schamiloglu
Physics of Plasmas 23 (12), 2016
Similarity of Properties of Metamaterial Slow-Wave Structures and Metallic Periodic Structures
SC Yurt, A Elfrgani, MI Fuks, K Ilyenko, E Schamiloglu
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (8), 1280 - 1286, 2016
Power Combiner for High Power Cerenkov Devices
A Elfrgani, H Seidfaraji, SC Yurt, MI Fuks, E Schamiloglu
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 44 (10), 2268 - 2271, 2016
A compact high-power microwave metamaterial slow-wave structure: From computational design to hot test validation
S Prasad, S Yurt, K Shipman, D Andreev, D Reass, M Fuks, ...
2017 Computing and Electromagnetics International Workshop (CEM), 61-62, 2017
Coherent Cherenkov-cyclotron radiation excited by an electron beam in a two-spiral metamaterial waveguide
M Liu, E Schamiloglu, SC Yurt, A Elfrgani, MI Fuks, C Liu
AIP Advances 8 (11), 2018
Designing of an O-type BWO with a metamaterial slow-wave structure
SC Yurt, S Prasad, M Fuks, E Schamiloglu
2016 IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference (IVEC), 1-2, 2016
O-type oscillator with metamaterial-like slow-wave structure
SC Yurt, S Prasad, K Ilyenko, M Fuks, E Schamiloglu
IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 145-146, 2014
Yönlendirilmiş Elektromanyetik Enerji Transferi Ve Gerekli Yüksek Güç İçin Toryum Reaktörler
SC Yurt
MSc Thesis, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011
Recent advances in high power microwave sources and the science of electronics in extreme electromagnetic environments at the University of New Mexico
E Schamiloglu, S Prasad, M Fuks, S Yurt, A Elfrgani, K Shipman, ...
2017 International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications …, 2017
High power microwave source loaded by a two-spiral metamaterial structure for Cherenkov radiation
SC Yurt, A Elfrgani, E Schamiloglu
2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 1-1, 2015
Evolution of wave dispersion in periodic structures with increasing amplitude of corrugation
SC Yurt, A Elfrgani, K Ilyenko, MI Fuks, E Schamiloglu
2015 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), 1-1, 2015
Design of a broad-sided split ring resonator-type SWS for short pulse E-band microwave generation
S Prasad, S Yurt, K Ilyenko, M Fuks, E Schamiloglu
IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 393-394, 2014
Dispersion diagram modeling for a metamaterial-like slow-wave structure
SC Yurt, S Prasad, K Ilyenko, M Fuks, E Schamiloglu
IEEE International Vacuum Electronics Conference, 495-496, 2014
Pic Simulations of a X-Band Traveling-Wave Tube Using Two Spiral Metamaterials
M Liu, C Liu, SC Yurt, E Schamiloglu, W Jiang, C Wang
2023 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1-1, 2023
Similarity of the Properties of Conventional Periodic Structures with Metamaterial Slow Wave Structures
S Yurt, E Schamiloglu, R Lipton, A Polizzi, L Thakur
High Power Microwave Sources and Technologies Using Metamaterials, 157-184, 2021
PIC Simulations of an S-Band Surface Wave Microwave Oscillator Using a Two-Spiral Metamaterial Structure
M Liu, C Liu, E Schamiloglu, SC Yurt, S Wang, J Feng, W Jiang
2020 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 186-186, 2020
Dispersion Relationship of a Split Ring Re Sonator Metamaterial Arranged in a Circular Waveguide
M Liu, C Liu, E Schamiloglu, SC Yurt, S Wang, J Feng, W Jiang
2020 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 272-272, 2020
Microwave Generation Using a Two Spiral Metamaterial Slow Wave Structure Driven by an Electron Beam
M Liu, SC Yurt, E Schamiloglu, MI Fuks, A Elfrgani, C Liu
2018 IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), 1-1, 2018
Broadband tapered planar monopole antenna with parasitic elements for multiple wireless operations
C Karakus, C Dogusgen, SC Yurt, S Kent
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 60 (3), 789-795, 2018
Lessons Learned from Studies of Metamaterial Slow Wave Structures for HPM Generation
E Schamiloglu, C Christodoulou, M Gilmore, S Yurt, H Seidfaraji, ...
American Electromagnetics Symposium 2018 (AMEREM 2018), 2018
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