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María Eugenia Rodríguez-López
María Eugenia Rodríguez-López
Assistant Professor, University of Granada
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A review of restaurant research in the last two decades: A bibliometric analysis.
ME Rodríguez-Lopez, JM Alcántara-Pilar, S del Barrio-García, ...
International Journal of Hospitality Management (In press), 2019
Formation of customer-based brand equity via authenticity: The mediating role of satisfaction and the moderating role of restaurant type.
ME Rodríguez-Lopez, S del Barrio-García, JM Alcántara-Pilar
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (In press), 2020
From likes to loyalty: Exploring the impact of influencer credibility on purchase intentions in TikTok
JM Alcántara-Pilar, ME Rodriguez-López, Z Kalinić, F Liébana-Cabanillas
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 78, 103709, 2024
Does language matter? A cross-national comparison of the moderating effect of language on website information-processing
JM Alcántara-Pilar, S Del Barrio-García, ME Rodríguez-López
Journal of Business Research 88, 66-78, 2018
Past, present, and future research of self-service merchandising: a co-word and text mining approach.
F Muñoz-Leiva, ME Rodríguez-López, F Liébana-Cabanillas, S Moro
European Journal of Marketing 55 (8), 2269-2307, 2021
Discovering prominent themes of the application of eye tracking technology in marketing research
F Muñoz Leiva, ME Rodríguez López, B García Martí
Universidad del País Vasco. Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa, 2022
Producción científica y evolución conceptual del merchandising durante las últimas seis décadas. Un estudio bibliométrico.
F Muñoz-Leiva, ME Rodríguez-López, F Liébana-Cabanillas
Revista de Estudios Empresariales Segunda Época, 50-74, 2020
The effect of spectators’ cultural values and their involvement on the attitude towards the contents of the television series
ÁJ Rojas-Lamorena, JM Alcántara-Pilar, IM Sánchez-Duarte, ...
Journal of Tourism, Sustainability and Well-being 7 (1), 53-66, 2019
Sexo, violencia y estereotipos en el brand equity de una serie. El caso de Juego de Tronos
Á Rojas-Lamorena, JM Alcántara Pilar, ME Rodríguez López
Universidad del País Vasco, 2018
The future of TV-shopping: predicting user purchase intention through an extended technology acceptance model
ME Rodríguez-López, E Higueras-Castillo, ÁJ Rojas-Lamorena, ...
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 198, 122986, 2024
Enhancing consumer attitudes toward a website as a contributing factor in business success
JM Alcántara-Pilar, FJ Blanco-Encomienda, ME Rodríguez-López, ...
Tourism & Management Studies 14 (1), 108-116, 2018
The relationship between brand experience and word-of-mouth in the TV-series sector: The moderating effect of culture and gender
ÁJ Rojas-Lamorena, JM Alcántara-Pilar, ME Rodríguez-López
Journal of Marketing Communications 28 (5), 506-527, 2022
Sexo, violencia y estereotipos en el brand equity de una serie. El caso de Juego de Tronos
ÁJR Lamorena, JMA Pila, MER López
Cuadernos de gestión 19 (1), 15-40, 2019
Satisfaction or delight? A cross-cultural study of loyalty formation linked to two restaurant types
ME Rodríguez-López, JM Alcántara-Pilar, S Del Barrio-García
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 6 (5), 2646-2667, 2023
Relación entre inversión publicitaria y demanda turística a través de la teoría de la cointegración
MÁ Rodriguez Molina, DM Frías Jamilena, AI Polo Peña, ...
Innovar 24 (54), 167-182, 2014
Individual cultural values as determinants of the attitudinal process in the restaurant. A different perspective for understanding brand equity formation
MER López, JM Alcántara-Pilar, S Barrio-García
Tourism & Management Studies 19 (1), 49-57, 2023
La experiencia gastronómica en el restaurante: delimitación teórica y empírica en dos tipos de establecimiento
MER López, JMA Pilar, ÁJ Rojas
Cuadernos de gestión 20 (1), 181-204, 2020
McDonald's standarization strategy. Is it valued in the same way in all countries? The case of young customers in Spain, Turkey, Italy and Bulgaria
ME Rodríguez-López, JM Alcántara-Pilar, A Ahmed-Laroussi
The Journal of Globalization, Competitiveness and Governability 12 (3), 31-48, 2018
The Effect of Sociolinguism on Advertising Slogans: Language as a Conveyor of Cultural Characteristics
JM Alcántara-Pilar, IM Sánchez-Duarte, ME Rodríguez-López, ...
The Role of Language and Symbols in Promotional Strategies and Marketing …, 2018
La experiencia gastronómica en el restaurante: delimitación teórica y empírica en dos tipos de establecimiento.
ME Rodríguez-Lopez, JM Alcántara-Pilar, ÁJ Rojas-Lamorena
Cuadernos de Gestión 20, 181-204, 2020
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