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David Holwell
David Holwell
le.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
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Alıntı yapanlar
A review of Te and Se systematics in hydrothermal pyrite from precious metal deposits: Insights into ore-forming processes
M Keith, DJ Smith, GRT Jenkin, DA Holwell, MD Dye
Ore Geology Reviews 96, 269-282, 2018
The application of deep eutectic solvent ionic liquids for environmentally-friendly dissolution and recovery of precious metals
GRT Jenkin, AZM Al-Bassam, RC Harris, AP Abbott, DJ Smith, DA Holwell, ...
Minerals Engineering 87, 18-24, 2016
A review of the behaviour of platinum group elements within natural magmatic sulfide ore systems
BDA Holwell, I McDonald
Platinum Metals Review 54 (1), 26-36, 2010
Distribution of platinum-group elements in the Platreef at Overysel, northern Bushveld Complex: a combined PGM and LA-ICP-MS study
DA Holwell, I McDonald
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 154, 171-190, 2007
A metasomatized lithospheric mantle control on the metallogenic signature of post-subduction magmatism
DA Holwell, M Fiorentini, I McDonald, Y Lu, A Giuliani, DJ Smith, M Keith, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3511, 2019
Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits: Disseminated and net-textured ores
SJ Barnes, JE Mungall, M Le Vaillant, B Godel, CM Lesher, D Holwell, ...
American Mineralogist 102 (3), 473-506, 2017
Pore geometry as a control on rock strength
A Bubeck, RJ Walker, D Healy, M Dobbs, DA Holwell
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 457, 38-48, 2017
Low temperature alteration of magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfides as a source for hydrothermal Ni and PGE ores: A quantitative approach using automated mineralogy
DA Holwell, Z Adeyemi, LA Ward, DJ Smith, SD Graham, I McDonald, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 91, 718-740, 2017
Pyrite chemistry: A new window into Au-Te ore-forming processes in alkaline epithermal districts, Cripple Creek, Colorado
M Keith, DJ Smith, K Doyle, DA Holwell, GRT Jenkin, TL Barry, J Becker, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 274, 172-191, 2020
Petrology, geochemistry and the mechanisms determining the distribution of platinum-group element and base metal sulphide mineralisation in the Platreef at Overysel, northern …
DA Holwell, I McDonald
Mineralium Deposita 41, 575-598, 2006
Platinum-group mineral assemblages in the Platreef at the Sandsloot Mine, northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa
DA Holwell, I McDonald, PEB Armitage
Mineralogical Magazine 70 (1), 83-101, 2006
Geochemistry and mineralogy of the Platreef and “Critical Zone” of the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa: implications for Bushveld stratigraphy and the …
I McDonald, DA Holwell, PEB Armitage
Mineralium Deposita 40, 526-549, 2005
Sulfur isotope variations within the Platreef Ni-Cu-PGE deposit: Genetic implications for the origin of sulfide mineralization
DA Holwell, AJ Boyce, I McDonald
Economic Geology 102 (6), 1091-1110, 2007
Magmatic sulfide ore deposits
SJ Barnes, DA Holwell, M Le Vaillant
Elements 13 (2), 89-95, 2017
Geology of the northern Bushveld Complex and the setting and genesis of the Platreef Ni-Cu-PGE deposit
I McDonald, DA Holwell
The application of S isotopes and S/Se ratios in determining ore-forming processes of magmatic Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits: A cautionary case study from the northern Bushveld …
JW Smith, DA Holwell, I McDonald, AJ Boyce
Ore Geology Reviews 73, 148-174, 2016
Precious and base metal geochemistry and mineralogy of the Grasvally Norite–Pyroxenite–Anorthosite (GNPA) member, northern Bushveld Complex, South Africa: implications for a …
JW Smith, DA Holwell, I McDonald
Mineralium Deposita 49, 667-692, 2014
Precious metal enrichment in the Platreef, Bushveld Complex, South Africa: evidence from homogenized magmatic sulfide melt inclusions
DA Holwell, I McDonald, IB Butler
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 161, 1011-1026, 2011
Fluxing of mantle carbon as a physical agent for metallogenic fertilization of the crust
DE Blanks, DA Holwell, ML Fiorentini, M Moroni, A Giuliani, S Tassara, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 4342, 2020
Extreme enrichment of Se, Te, PGE and Au in Cu sulfide microdroplets: evidence from LA-ICP-MS analysis of sulfides in the Skaergaard Intrusion, east Greenland
DA Holwell, RR Keays, I McDonald, MR Williams
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 170, 1-26, 2015
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