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A Smidts
A Smidts
Professor of Marketing Research, RSM Erasmus University
rsm.nl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The impact of employee communication and perceived external prestige on organizational identification
A Smidts, ATH Pruyn, CBM Van Riel
Academy of Management journal 44 (5), 1051-1062, 2001
Reinforcement learning signal predicts social conformity
V Klucharev, K Hytönen, M Rijpkema, A Smidts, G Fernández
Neuron 61 (1), 140-151, 2009
Do loyalty programs really enhance behavioral loyalty? An empirical analysis accounting for self-selecting members
J Leenheer, HJ Van Heerde, THA Bijmolt, A Smidts
International journal of research in marketing 24 (1), 31-47, 2007
Effects of waiting on the satisfaction with the service: Beyond objective time measures
A Pruyn, A Smidts
International journal of research in marketing 15 (4), 321-334, 1998
Brain responses to movie trailers predict individual preferences for movies and their population-wide commercial success
MAS Boksem, A Smidts
Journal of Marketing Research 52 (4), 482-492, 2015
Assessing the construct validity of risk attitude
JME Pennings, A Smidts
Management Science 46 (10), 1337-1348, 2000
Brain mechanisms of persuasion: how ‘expert power’modulates memory and attitudes
V Klucharev, A Smidts, G Fernández
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 3 (4), 353-366, 2008
Organizing warehouse management
N Faber, MBM De Koster, A Smidts
International Journal of Operations & Production Management 33 (9), 1230-1256, 2013
The shape of utility functions and organizational behavior
JME Pennings, A Smidts
Management Science 49 (9), 1251-1263, 2003
The herding hormone: oxytocin stimulates in-group conformity
M Stallen, CKW De Dreu, S Shalvi, A Smidts, AG Sanfey
Psychological science 23 (11), 1288-1292, 2012
Advancing consumer neuroscience
A Smidts, M Hsu, AG Sanfey, MAS Boksem, RB Ebstein, SA Huettel, ...
Marketing Letters 25, 257-267, 2014
Testosterone inhibits trust but promotes reciprocity
MAS Boksem, PH Mehta, B Van den Bergh, V Van Son, ST Trautmann, ...
Psychological science 24 (11), 2306-2314, 2013
Decision neuroscience and consumer decision making
C Yoon, R Gonzalez, A Bechara, GS Berns, AA Dagher, L Dubé, ...
Marketing letters 23, 473-485, 2012
Improving decision making by means of a marketing decision support system
GH Van Bruggen, A Smidts, B Wierenga
Management Science 44 (5), 645-658, 1998
Language abstraction in word of mouth
GAC Schellekens, PWJ Verlegh, A Smidts
Journal of Consumer Research 37 (2), 207-223, 2010
Downregulation of the posterior medial frontal cortex prevents social conformity
V Klucharev, MAM Munneke, A Smidts, G Fernández
Journal of Neuroscience 31 (33), 11934-11940, 2011
Cross-national logo evaluation analysis: An individual-level approach
R Van der Lans, JA Cote, CA Cole, SM Leong, A Smidts, PW Henderson, ...
Marketing science 28 (5), 968-985, 2009
The relationship between risk attitude and strength of preference: A test of intrinsic risk attitude
A Smidts
Management Science 43 (3), 357-370, 1997
Sales and sincerity: The role of relational framing in word-of-mouth marketing
MA Tuk, PWJ Verlegh, A Smidts, DHJ Wigboldus
Journal of Consumer Psychology 19 (1), 38-47, 2009
Kijken in het brein: Over de mogelijkheden van neuromarketing
A Smidts
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