Takip et
Gonzalo Gonzalez
Gonzalo Gonzalez
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.- Instituto de Investigaciones en Materiales
unam.mx üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
08.-Chemical reactivity of aluminium with boron carbide
JC Viala, J Bouix, G Gonzalez, C Esnouf
Journal of materials science 32 (17), 4559-4573, 1997
16.-Chirality, defects, and disorder in gold clusters
IL Garzón, MR Beltrán, G González, I Gutıerrez-González, K Michaelian, ...
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2003
41.- Effect of electro discharge machining (EDM) on the AISI316L SS white layer microstructure and corrosion resistance
H Sidhom, F Ghanem, T Amadou, G Gonzalez, C Braham
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-13, 2012
28.-Synthesis and CO2 capture evaluation of Li2-xKxZrO3 solid solutions and crystal structure of a new lithium-potassium zirconate phase
MY Veliz-Enriquez, G Gonzalez, H Pfeiffer
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 180 (9), 2485-2492, 2007
49.-FEA evaluation of the Al 4 C 3 formation effect on the Young’s modulus of carbon nanotube reinforced aluminum matrix composites
I Alfonso, O Navarro, J Vargas, A Beltrán, C Aguilar, G González, ...
Composite Structures 127, 420-425, 2015
73.-Stress localisation in lamellar cementite and ferrite during elastoplastic deformation of pearlitic steel studied using diffraction and modelling
E Gadalińska, A Baczmański, C Braham, G Gonzalez, H Sidhom, ...
International Journal of Plasticity, 102651, 2019
30.-Characterization of precipitation in Al–Mg–Cu alloys by X-ray diffraction peak broadening analysis
O Novelo-Peralta, G González, GA Lara-Rodríguez
Materials Characterization 59 (6), 773-780, 2008
19.-Effect of Mg content and solution treatment on the microstructure of Al-Si-Cu-Mg alloys
I Alfonso, C Maldonado, G Gonzalez, A Bedolla
Journal of materials science 41 (7), 1945-1952, 2006
04.-Composition and lattice parameters of a new aluminium-rich borocarbide
JC Viala, G Gonzales, J Bouix
Journal of materials science letters 11 (10), 711-714, 1992
25.-The effect of rapid solidification and grain size on the transformation temperatures of Cu–Al–Be melt spun alloys
GA Lara-Rodriguez, G Gonzalez, H Flores-Zúñiga, J Cortés-Pérez
Materials characterization 57 (3), 154-159, 2006
26.- Luminescence and structural study of Bi4-xEuxTi3O12 solid solution
ME Villafuerte-Castrejón, F Camacho-Alanís, F González, A Ibarra-Palos, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (2), 545-549, 2007
59.-Ceria-based electrolytes with high surface area and improved conductivity for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells
P Ramos-Alvarez, ME Villafuerte-Castrejón, G González, M Cassir, ...
Journal of Materials Science, 1-14, 2016
47.-Simulation of growth kinetics of Fe2B layers formed on gray cast iron during the powder pack boriding
JGG M. Ortiz-Domínguez, M. A. Flores-Rentería, M. Keddam, M.E. Espinosa, O ...
Materiali in tehnologije 48 (6), 905-916, 2014
31.-The influence of cooling rate on the microstructure of an Al–Ni hypereutectic alloy
G Gonzalez, GA Lara-Rodriguez, A Sandoval-Jiménez, W Saikaly, ...
Materials Characterization 59 (11), 1607-1612, 2008
46.-The effect of anatase crystal orientation on the photoelectrochemical performance of anodic TiO 2 nanotubes
P Acevedo-Peña, F González, G González, I González
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (47), 26213-26220, 2014
70.-Influence of Nucleic Acids on the Synthesis of Crystalline Ca (II), Ba (II), and Sr (II) Silica–Carbonate Biomorphs: Implications for the Chemical Origin of Life on …
M Cuéllar-Cruz, SR Islas, G Gonzalez, A Moreno
Crystal Growth & Design 19 (8), 4667-4682, 2019
29.-Microstructural and mechanical behavior of highly deformed Al–Sn alloys
O Hernández, G Gonzalez
Materials characterization 59 (5), 534-541, 2008
06.-Interfacial reactions in Al-Mg metal matrix composites reinforced with (Sn/Sb) oxide coated SiC particles
G Gonzalez, L Salvo, M Suery, G LEsperance
Scripta metallurgica et materialia 33 (12), 1995
72.-Numerical and experimental study of a 5754-aluminum alloy processed by heterogeneous repetitive corrugation and straightening
M Ezequiel, IA Figueroa, S Elizalde, JM Cabrera, C Braham, L Morin, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019
64.-The influence of texture on the reversible elastocaloric effect of a polycrystalline Ni50Mn32In16Cr2 alloy (vol 112, 164101, 2018)
F Hernandez-Navarro, JP Camarillo-Garcia, CO Aguilar-Ortiz, ...
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