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Carl Dalhammar
Carl Dalhammar
iiiee.lu.se üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A new business model for baby prams based on leasing and product remanufacturing
O Mont, C Dalhammar, N Jacobsson
Journal of Cleaner Production 14 (17), 1509-1518, 2006
Industry attitudes towards ecodesign standards for improved resource efficiency
C Dalhammar
Journal of Cleaner Production 123, 155-166, 2016
Circular business models for electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries: An analysis of current practices of vehicle manufacturers and policies in the EU
L Albertsen, JL Richter, P Peck, C Dalhammar, A Plepys
Resources, conservation and recycling 172, 105658, 2021
Regulating planned obsolescence: a review of legal approaches to increase product durability and reparability in Europe
E Maitre‐Ekern, C Dalhammar
Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law 25 (3 …, 2016
Barriers, enablers and market governance: A review of the policy landscape for repair of consumer electronics in the EU and the US
S Svensson-Hoglund, JL Richter, E Maitre-Ekern, JD Russell, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 288, 125488, 2021
Towards a hierarchy of consumption behaviour in the circular economy
E Maitre-Ekern, C Dalhammar
Maastricht journal of European and comparative law 26 (3), 394-420, 2019
Environmental leadership: A reference handbook
DR Gallagher
SAGE publications, 2012
Renewal of forest based manufacturing towards a sustainable circular bioeconomy
R Antikainen, C Dalhammar, M Hildén, J Judl, T Jääskeläinen, P Kautto, ...
Reports of the Finnish Environment Institute 13 (2017), 128, 2017
Green chemistry for environmental sustainability
SK Sharma, A Mudhoo
CRC Press, 2010
Environmental permitting as a driver for eco-efficiency in the dairy industry: A closer look at the IPPC directive
N Honkasalo, H Rodhe, C Dalhammar
Journal of cleaner production 13 (10-11), 1049-1060, 2005
The emerging ‘Right to repair’legislation in the EU and the US
S Svensson, JL Richter, E Maitre-Ekern, T Pihlajarinne, A Maigret, ...
Going Green CARE INNOVATION 2018, 2018
Quality labelling for re-used ICT equipment to support consumer choice in the circular economy
I Gåvertsson, L Milios, C Dalhammar
Journal of Consumer Policy 43, 353-377, 2020
Sustainable consumption: at the cross-road of environmental and consumer policies
O Mont, C Dalhammar
International Journal of Sustainable Development 8 (4), 258-279, 2005
Product destruction: Exploring unsustainable production-consumption systems and appropriate policy responses
H Roberts, L Milios, O Mont, C Dalhammar
Sustainable Production and Consumption 35, 300-312, 2023
Trade-offs with longer lifetimes? The case of LED lamps considering product development and energy contexts
JL Richter, L Tähkämö, C Dalhammar
Journal of Cleaner Production 226, 195-209, 2019
Addressing resource efficiency through the Ecodesign Directive: A review of opportunities and barriers
C Dalhammar, E Machacek, A Bundgaard, KO Zacho, A Remmen
Nordic Council of Ministers, 2014
Enabling reuse in extended producer responsibility schemes for white goods: legal and organisational conditions for connecting resource flows and actors
C Dalhammar, E Wihlborg, L Milios, JL Richter, S Svensson-Höglund, ...
Circular economy and sustainability 1 (2), 671-695, 2021
What if everyone becomes a sharer? A quantification of the environmental impact of access-based consumption for household laundry activities
R Wasserbaur, T Sakao, ML Söderman, A Plepys, C Dalhammar
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 158, 104780, 2020
Public procurement of reconditioned furniture and the potential transition to product service systems solutions
M Öhgren, L Milios, C Dalhammar, M Lindahl
Procedia CIRP 83, 151-156, 2019
The application of ‘life cycle thinking’in European environmental law: theory and practice
C Dalhammar
Journal for European Environmental & Planning Law 12 (2), 97-127, 2015
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