Takip et
Joao Mourato
Joao Mourato
Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
ics.ulisboa.pt üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A avaliação de políticas públicas como factor de aprendizagem, inovação institucional e cidadania. O caso da política de ordenamento do território em Portugal
J Ferrão, J Mourato
Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais (RBEUR) 12 (1), 9-28, 2010
The impact of Europeanisation on planning cultures
B Waterhout, JM Mourato, K Böhme
Planning cultures in Europe, 275-290, 2016
Territorial cohesion, economic growth and the desire for European'balanced competitiveness'
M Tewdwr-Jones, JM Mourato
Town Planning Review 76 (1), 69-80, 2005
Conflict in the city. Contested urban spaces and local democracy
E Gualini, M Allegra, JM Mourato
Jovis Verlag GmbH, 2015
Change in the way we live and plan the coast: stakeholders discussions on future scenarios and adaptation strategies
L Schmidt, A Delicado, C Gomes, P Granjo, S Guerreiro, A Horta, ...
Journal of Coastal Research, 1033-1038, 2013
Beyond soft planning: Towards a Soft turn in planning theory and practice?
C Cavaco, J Mourato, JP Costa, J Ferrão
Planning Theory 22 (1), 3-26, 2023
O impacto social da pandemia. Estudo ICS/ISCTE Covid-19
PC Magalhães, R Gouveia, R Costa-Lopes, PAE Silva
Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2020
Evaluation and spatial planning in Portugal: from legal requirement to source of policy-learning and institutional innovation
J Ferrão, JM Mourato
De la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica a la Evaluación de Impacto …, 2012
Regiões funcionais, relações urbano-rurais e política de coesão pós-2013
J Ferrão, J Mourato, L Balula, O Bina
Relatório final. Lisboa, ICS, 2012
Community-based initiatives and the politicization gap in socio-ecological transitions: Lessons from Portugal
JM Mourato, A Bussler
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 33, 268-281, 2019
Voices of contention: the value of development narratives in the age of climate (change) migration misconceptions
C Santos, JM Mourato
Climate and Development 14 (1), 13-24, 2022
Reframing adaptation to climate change in Portugal: the case of ClimAdaPT. Local
J Mourato, L Schmidt, J Ferrão, A Bussler
Changing Societies: Legacies and Challenges. Vol. iii. The Diverse Worlds of …, 2018
Europeanisation and territorial governance: an inquiry into power and institutional culture change in Portugal
ML Mourato
UCL (University College London), 2011
The involvement of non-state actors in the creation and management of protected areas: insights from the Portuguese case
G Iannuzzi, R Santos, JM Mourato
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (9), 1674-1694, 2020
Portugal e a perspectiva de desenvolvimento do Espaço Europeu: o EDEC como institucionalização de um discurso de mudança
J Mourato, A Rosa Pires
Sociedade e Território 40, 34-42, 2007
‘I was born here, I will die here’: climate change and migration decisions from coastal and insular Guinea-Bissau
C Santos, JM Mourato
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 106 (2), 137-155, 2024
Governing the diverse forest: Polycentric climate governance in the Amazon
F de Wit, J Mourato
World Development 157, 105955, 2022
Functional regions, urban-rural relations and post 2013 cohesion policy
J Ferrão, JM Mourato, L Balula, O Bina
OBSERVA-Observatório de Ambiente e Sociedade, 2013
Regiões funcionáis, relações urbano-rurais e política de coesão pós-2013. Relatório Final
J Ferrão, J Mourato, L Balula, O Bina
Lisboa: ICS< http://www. aicesis. org/files/publications/657 …, 2012
O território e a (ir) racionalidade da decisão
J Mourato
Finisterra 44 (88), 2009
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