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Maxim Deryabin
Maxim Deryabin
Diğer adlarMaksim Deriabin
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technologies
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Privacy-preserving machine learning with fully homomorphic encryption for deep neural network
JW Lee, HC Kang, Y Lee, W Choi, J Eom, M Deryabin, E Lee, J Lee, ...
iEEE Access 10, 30039-30054, 2022
Efficient FHEW bootstrapping with small evaluation keys, and applications to threshold homomorphic encryption
Y Lee, D Micciancio, A Kim, R Choi, M Deryabin, J Eom, D Yoo
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2023
Residue-to-binary conversion for general moduli sets based on approximate Chinese remainder theorem
NI Chervyakov, AS Molahosseini, PA Lyakhov, MG Babenko, ...
International journal of computer mathematics 94 (9), 1833-1849, 2017
AC-RRNS: Anti-collusion secured data sharing scheme for cloud storage
A Tchernykh, M Babenko, N Chervyakov, V Miranda-López, V Kuchukov, ...
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 102, 60-73, 2018
General bootstrapping approach for RLWE-based homomorphic encryption
A Kim, M Deryabin, J Eom, R Choi, Y Lee, W Ghang, D Yoo
IEEE Transactions on Computers 73 (1), 86-96, 2023
Residue number system-based solution for reducing the hardware cost of a convolutional neural network
NI Chervyakov, PA Lyakhov, MA Deryabin, NN Nagornov, MV Valueva, ...
Neurocomputing 407, 439-453, 2020
An efficient method of error correction in fault-tolerant modular neurocomputers
NI Chervyakov, PA Lyakhov, MG Babenko, AI Garyanina, IN Lavrinenko, ...
Neurocomputing 205, 32-44, 2016
Towards mitigating uncertainty of data security breaches and collusion in cloud computing
A Tchernykh, M Babenko, N Chervyakov, JM Cortés-Mendoza, ...
2017 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications …, 2017
RNS number comparator based on a modified diagonal function
M Babenko, M Deryabin, SJ Piestrak, P Patronik, N Chervyakov, ...
Electronics 9 (11), 1784, 2020
Использование модулярной арифметики для ускорения выполнения операций над числами большой разрядности
МА Дерябин, АА Зайцев
Вестник Уфимского государственного авиационного технического университета 17 …, 2013
Homomorphic encryption methods review
NN Kucherov, MA Deryabin, MG Babenko
2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and …, 2020
High performance parallel computing in residue number system
M Deryabin, N Chervyakov, A Tchernykh, M Babenko, M Shabalina
International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics …, 2018
A high-speed division algorithm for modular numbers based on the Chinese remainder theorem with fractions and its hardware implementation
N Chervyakov, P Lyakhov, M Babenko, A Nazarov, M Deryabin, ...
Electronics 8 (3), 261, 2019
Computation of positional characteristics of numbers in RNS based on approximate method
NI Chervyakov, MG Babenko, MA Deryabin, AS Nazarov, MN Shabalina
2016 IEEE NW Russia Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic …, 2016
LFHE: fully homomorphic encryption with bootstrapping key size less than a megabyte
A Kim, Y Lee, M Deryabin, J Eom, R Choi
Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2023
Security analysis of homomorphic encryption scheme for cloud computing: Known-plaintext attack
M Babenko, N Chervyakov, A Tchernykh, N Kucherov, M Deryabin, ...
2018 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and …, 2018
REED: Chiplet-based accelerator for fully homomorphic encryption
A Aikata, AC Mert, S Kwon, M Deryabin, SS Roy
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.02885, 2023
Secure verifiable secret short sharing scheme for multi-cloud storage
M Deryabin, N Chervyakov, A Tchernykh, M Babenko, N Kucherov, ...
2018 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation …, 2018
A new model to optimize the architecture of a fault-tolerant modular neurocomputer
NI Chervyakov, PA Lyakhov, MG Babenko, IN Lavrinenko, AV Lavrinenko, ...
Neurocomputing 303, 37-46, 2018
Development of information security's theoretical aspects in cloud technology with the use of threshold structures
N Chervyakov, M Babenko, M Deryabin, A Garianina
2014 International Conference on Engineering and Telecommunication, 38-42, 2014
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