Kamu erişimi zorunlu olan makaleler - Yifan HeDaha fazla bilgi edinin
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 14
Bridging smt and tm with translation recommendation
Y He, Y Ma, J van Genabith, A Way
Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2010
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Consistent translation using discriminative learning: a translation memory-inspired approach
Y Ma, Y He, A Way, J van Genabith
Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2011
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
MaTrEx: the DCU MT system for WMT 2009
J Du, Y He, S Penkale, A Way
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, 95-99, 2009
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Integrating N-best SMT Outputs into a TM System
Y He, Y Ma, A Way, J Van Genabith
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational …, 2010
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Improving the post-editing experience using translation recommendation: a user study
Y He, Y Ma, J Roturier, A Way, J van Genabith
Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, 2010
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Identifying high-impact sub-structures for convolution kernels in document-level sentiment classification
Z Tu, Y He, J Foster, J van Genabith, Q Liu, S Lin
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2012
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
The DCU dependency-based metric in WMT-MetricsMATR 2010
Y He, J Du, A Way, J van Genabith
Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation …, 2010
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
An algorithm for cross-lingual sense-clustering tested in a MT evaluation setting
M Apidianaki, Y He
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation …, 2010
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
An Evaluation of Statistical Post-Editing Systems Applied to RBMT and SMT Systems.
H Béchara, R Rubino, Y He, Y Ma, J van Genabith
COLING, 215-230, 2012
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Combining Multiple Alignments to Improve Machine Translation.
Z Tu, Y Liu, Y He, J van Genabith, Q Liu, S Lin
COLING (Posters), 1249-1260, 2012
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Rich Linguistic Features for Translation Memory-Inspired Consistent Translation
Y He, Y Ma, A Way, J van Genabith
MT Summit XIII, 2011
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Metric and reference factors in minimum error rate training
Y He, A Way
Machine translation 24 (1), 27-38, 2010
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
Maximum rank correlation training for statistical machine translation
D Zheng, Y He, Y Liu, Q Liu
MT Summit XIII, 2012
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
D6. 3b: CRLs: Closely Related Languages II
H Bechara, Y He, Y Ma, J van Genabith
Zorunlu olanlar: Science Foundation Ireland
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