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Nuno Durães
Nuno Durães
ua.pt üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Distribution, transport and fate of pollutants
N Durães, LAB Novo, C Candeias, EF Da Silva
Soil pollution, 29-57, 2018
Water–rock interaction and geochemical processes in surface waters influenced by tailings impoundments: Impact and threats to the ecosystems and human health in rural …
C Candeias, PF Ávila, EF Da Silva, A Ferreira, N Durães, JP Teixeira
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 226, 1-30, 2015
Sorption of arsenic by composts and biochars derived from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes: Kinetic, isotherm and oral bioaccessibility study
JZ Lima, EF da Silva, C Patinha, N Durães, EM Vieira, VGS Rodrigues
Environmental Research 204, 111988, 2022
Mineralogy and geochemistry of mill tailings impoundments from Algares (Aljustrel), Portugal: Implications for acid sulfate mine waters formation
I Bobos, N Durães, F Noronha
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 88 (1-3), 1-5, 2006
Integrating geochemical (surface waters, stream sediments) and biological (diatoms) approaches to assess AMD environmental impact in a pyritic mining area: Aljustrel (Alentejo …
AT Luís, N Durães, SFP de Almeida, EF da Silva
Journal of environmental sciences 42, 215-226, 2016
The Negro River (Ancash-Peru): A unique case of water pollution, three environmental scenarios and an unresolved issue
JA Grande, R Loayza-Muro, FM Alonso-Chaves, JC Fortes, B Willems, ...
Science of The Total Environment 648, 398-407, 2019
Long-term application of the organic and inorganic pesticides in vineyards: Environmental record of past use
C Patinha, N Duraes, AC Dias, P Pato, R Fonseca, A Janeiro, F Barriga, ...
Applied Geochemistry 88, 226-238, 2018
Speciation and precipitation of heavy metals in high-metal and high-acid mine waters from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Portugal)
N Durães, I Bobos, EF Da Silva
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 4562-4576, 2017
Assessment of the influence of traffic-related particles in urban dust using sequential selective extraction and oral bioaccessibility tests
C Patinha, N Durães, P Sousa, AC Dias, AP Reis, Y Noack, ...
Environmental geochemistry and health 37, 707-724, 2015
Chemistry and FT-IR spectroscopic studies of plants from contaminated mining sites in the Iberian Pyrite Belt, Portugal
N Durães, I Bobos, EF Da Silva
Mineralogical Magazine 72 (1), 405-409, 2008
Biogeochemical characterization of surface waters in the Aljustrel mining area (South Portugal)
AT Luís, JA Grande, N Durães, JM Dávila, M Santisteban, SFP Almeida, ...
Environmental Geochemistry and Health 41, 1909-1921, 2019
Assessment of metal pollution in a former mining area in the NW Tunisia: spatial distribution and fraction of Cd, Pb and Zn in soil
MA Othmani, F Souissi, N Durães, M Abdelkader, EF Da Silva
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187, 1-18, 2015
Rare earth elements fractionation in native vegetation from the Moncorvo iron mines, NE Portugal
N Durães, EF da Silva, I Bobos, P Ávila
Procedia Earth and Planetary Science 10, 376-382, 2014
Comparison of adipocere formation in four soil types of the Porto (Portugal) district
N Durães, D Cortez, M Algarra, FG Sanchez, JE Rodríguez-Borges, ...
Forensic Science International 195 (1-3), 168. e1-168. e6, 2010
Copper, zinc and lead biogeochemistry in aquatic and land plants from the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Portugal) and north of Morocco mining areas
N Durães, I Bobos, E Ferreira da Silva, A Dekayir
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22, 2087-2105, 2015
Application of fuzzy logic tools for the biogeochemical characterisation of (un) contaminated waters from Aljustrel mining area (South Portugal)
AT Luís, JA Grande, JM Davila, J Aroba, N Durães, SFP Almeida, ...
Chemosphere 211, 736-744, 2018
An integrative assessment of environmental degradation of Caveira abandoned mine area (Southern Portugal)
EF da Silva, N Durães, P Reis, C Patinha, J Matos, MR Costa
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 159, 33-47, 2015
Extremely acidic environment: Biogeochemical effects on algal biofilms
AT Luís, M Teixeira, N Durães, R Pinto, SFP Almeida, EF da Silva, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 177, 124-132, 2019
Temporal and spatial groundwater contamination assessment using geophysical and hydrochemical methods: The industrial chemical complex of Estarreja (Portugal) case study
T Marques, MS Matias, EF Silva, N Durães, C Patinha
Applied Sciences 11 (15), 6732, 2021
Inorganic pollutants in soils
C Patinha, A Armienta, A Argyraki, N Durães
Soil Pollution, 127-159, 2018
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