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Yong-Chan PARK
Yong-Chan PARK
kigam.re.kr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Analysis of CO2 Endpoint Relative Permeability and Injectivity by Change in Pressure, Temperature, and Phase in Saline Aquifer
YS Lee, KH Kim, TH Lee, WM Sung, YC Park, JH Lee
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 32 …, 2009
Solid-liquid flow experiment with real and artificial manganese nodules in flexible hoses
CH Yoon, JS Kang, YC Park, YJ Kim, JM Park, SK Kwon
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-08-113, 2008
Simulation of CO2 injection in a small-scale pilot site in the Pohang Basin, Korea: Effect of dissolution rate of chlorite on mineral trapping
KYK Byoung-Young Choi, Young-Jae Shinn, Yong-Chan Park, Jinyoung Park, Yi ...
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 59, 1-12, 2017
Development of FEM reservoir model equipped with effective permeability tensor and its application to naturally fractured reservoirs
YC Park, WM Sung
SPE International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition in China, SPE-64793-MS, 2000
A pressure-monitoring method to warn CO 2 leakage in geological storage sites
YC Park, DG Huh, CH Park
Environmental Earth Sciences, 1-9, 2011
A Simulation of a Trap Mechanism for the Sequestration of CO2 into Gorae V Aquifer, Korea
JH Lee, YC Park, WM Sung, YS Lee
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 32 …, 2010
Effect of reducing irreducible water saturation in a near-well region on CO2 injectivity and storage capacity
YC Park, S Kim, JH Lee, YJ Shinn
International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 86, 134-145, 2019
Shallow lifting test for the development of deep ocean mineral resources in Korea
CH Yoon, JM Park, JS Kang, YJ Kim, YC Park, SG Park, C Kim, SS Kang, ...
ISOPE Ocean Mining and Gas Hydrates Symposium, ISOPE-M-11-014, 2011
PET2OGS: Algorithms to link the static model of Petrel with the dynamic model of OpenGeoSys
CH Park, YJ Shinn, YC Park, DG Huh, SK Lee
Computers & Geosciences 62, 95-102, 2014
A Review of Business Model for CO₂ Geological Storage Project in Korea
박용찬, 허대기, 유동근, 황세호, 이흥연, 노을
지질학회지 45 (5), 579-587, 2009
The feasibility study for CO2 sequestration into deep saline aquifer at Gorae-V structure in Korea
YS Lee, YC Park, SI Kwon, WM Sung
Journal of Korean Society for Geosystem Engineering 45 (4), 381-393, 2008
An experimental study on the flow characteristics of solid-liquid two-phase mixture in a flexible hose
CH Yoon, KS Kwon, SK Kwon, DK Lee, YC Park, OK Kwon, WM Sung
ISOPE Ocean Mining and Gas Hydrates Symposium, ISOPE-M-01-020, 2001
A preliminary screening of CO2 geological storage in Ulleung Basin
YJ Shinn, DG Yoo, S Hwang, YC Park, DG Huh
Korea. J. Korean Soc. Miner. Energy Resour. Eng 49 (1), 47-58, 2012
Flow analysis of solid-liquid mixture in a lifting pump
CH Yoon, YC Park, DK Lee, SK Kwon, JN Lee
ISOPE Ocean Mining and Gas Hydrates Symposium, ISOPE-M-05-019, 2005
Experimental studies on hydraulic lifting of solid-liquid two-phase flow
YC Park, CH Yoon, DK Lee, SK Kwon
Ocean and Polar Research 26 (4), 647-653, 2004
Preliminary results of numerical simulation in a small-scale CO₂ injection pilot site: 1. Prediction of CO₂ plume migration
최병영, 박용찬, 신영재, 김구영, 채기탁, 김정찬
지질학회지 51 (5), 487-496, 2015
Impact of surfactants on CO2-brine relative permeability under reservoir conditions
GB Seok, YC Park, JY Lee, YK Lee, KY Kim, H Son, M Raab
Energy Reports 9, 3755-3770, 2023
A study on flow analysis of lifting pump and flexible hose for sea-test
윤치호, 박용찬, 김영주, 박종명, 권석기
한국자원공학회지 44 (4), 308-313, 2007
Design and test of hydraulic pumping system with 30 m height scale
CH Yoon, DK Lee, YC Park, SK Kwon
ISOPE International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-I-04-059, 2004
Hydraulic pumping test system of KIGAM for deep-sea manganese nodules
CH Yoon, YC Park, DK Lee, KS Kwon, SK Kwon
Proceedings of 33rd Underwater Mining Institute, 131-135, 2003
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