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Dietmar Letzig
Dietmar Letzig
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The texture and anisotropy of magnesium–zinc–rare earth alloy sheets
J Bohlen, MR Nürnberg, JW Senn, D Letzig, SR Agnew
Acta Materialia 55 (6), 2101-2112, 2007
Effect of rare earth additions on microstructure and texture development of magnesium alloy sheets
K Hantzsche, J Bohlen, J Wendt, KU Kainer, SB Yi, D Letzig
Scripta Materialia 63 (7), 725-730, 2010
The relation between ductility and stacking fault energies in Mg and Mg–Y alloys
S Sandlöbes, M Friák, S Zaefferer, A Dick, S Yi, D Letzig, Z Pei, LF Zhu, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (6-7), 3011-3021, 2012
Cold rolling textures in AZ31 wrought magnesium alloy
A Styczynski, C Hartig, J Bohlen, D Letzig
Scripta Materialia 50 (7), 943-947, 2004
Effect of rare earth elements on the microstructure and texture development in magnesium–manganese alloys during extrusion
J Bohlen, S Yi, D Letzig, KU Kainer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (26), 7092-7098, 2010
Mechanical anisotropy and deep drawing behaviour of AZ31 and ZE10 magnesium alloy sheets
S Yi, J Bohlen, F Heinemann, D Letzig
Acta Materialia 58 (2), 592-605, 2010
Role of solute in the texture modification during hot deformation of Mg-rare earth alloys
JP Hadorn, K Hantzsche, S Yi, JAN Bohlen, D Letzig, JA Wollmershauser, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43, 1347-1362, 2012
Microstructure and texture development during hydrostatic extrusion of magnesium alloy AZ31
J Bohlen, SB Yi, J Swiostek, D Letzig, HG Brokmeier, KU Kainer
Scripta Materialia 53 (2), 259-264, 2005
The influence of calcium and cerium mischmetal on the microstructural evolution of Mg–3Al–1Zn during extrusion and resulting mechanical properties
T Laser, C Hartig, MR Nürnberg, D Letzig, R Bormann
Acta Materialia 56 (12), 2791-2798, 2008
Twinning and grain subdivision during dynamic deformation of a Mg AZ31 sheet alloy at room temperature
NV Dudamell, I Ulacia, F Gálvez, S Yi, J Bohlen, D Letzig, I Hurtado, ...
Acta Materialia 59 (18), 6949-6962, 2011
On the influence of the grain size and solute content on the AE response of magnesium alloys tested in tension and compression
J Bohlen, P Dobroň, J Swiostek, D Letzig, F Chmelík, P Lukáč, KU Kainer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 462 (1-2), 302-306, 2007
Grain size effects on deformation twinning in an extruded magnesium alloy tested in compression
P Dobroň, F Chmelík, S Yi, K Parfenenko, D Letzig, J Bohlen
Scripta Materialia 65 (5), 424-427, 2011
The influence of manganese on the microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 gravity die cast alloys
T Laser, MR Nürnberg, A Janz, C Hartig, D Letzig, R Schmid-Fetzer, ...
Acta materialia 54 (11), 3033-3041, 2006
Metallographische Gefügeuntersuchungen von Magnesiumlegierungen/The Metallographical Examination of Magnesium Alloys
V Kree, J Bohlen, D Letzig, KU Kainer
Practical Metallography 41 (5), 233-246, 2004
Effects of solute and second-phase particles on the texture of Nd-containing Mg alloys
JP Hadorn, K Hantzsche, S Yi, J Bohlen, D Letzig, SR Agnew
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 43 (4), 1363-1375, 2012
Microstructural evolution during the annealing of an extruded AZ31 magnesium alloy
S Yi, HG Brokmeier, D Letzig
Journal of alloys and compounds 506 (1), 364-371, 2010
Anisotropic properties of magnesium sheet AZ31
F Kaiser, D Letzig, J Bohlen, KU Kainer, A Styczynski, C Hartig
Materials Science Forum 419, 2003
Effect of rare earth additions on the critical resolved shear stresses of magnesium alloys
V Herrera-Solaz, P Hidalgo-Manrique, MT Pérez-Prado, D Letzig, J Llorca, ...
Materials Letters 128, 199-203, 2014
Effect of processing route on texture and cold formability of AZ31 Mg alloy sheets processed by ECAP
J Suh, J Victoria-Hernández, D Letzig, R Golle, W Volk
Materials Science and Engineering: A 669, 159-170, 2016
Calcium and zirconium as texture modifiers during rolling and annealing of magnesium–zinc alloys
J Bohlen, J Wendt, M Nienaber, KU Kainer, L Stutz, D Letzig
Materials Characterization 101, 144-152, 2015
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