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Amr Abd-Elrahman
Amr Abd-Elrahman
ufl.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Comparing fully convolutional networks, random forest, support vector machine, and patch-based deep convolutional neural networks for object-based wetland mapping using images …
T Liu, A Abd-Elrahman, J Morton, VL Wilhelm
GIScience & remote sensing 55 (2), 243-264, 2018
Urbanization as a land use change driver of forest ecosystem services
S Delphin, FJ Escobedo, A Abd-Elrahman, WP Cropper
Land Use Policy 54, 188-199, 2016
De-striping hyperspectral imagery using wavelet transform and adaptive frequency domain filtering
R Pande-Chhetri, A Abd-Elrahman
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 66 (5), 620-636, 2011
Object-based classification of wetland vegetation using very high-resolution unmanned air system imagery
R Pande-Chhetri, A Abd-Elrahman, T Liu, J Morton, VL Wilhelm
European Journal of Remote Sensing 50 (1), 564-576, 2017
Analyzing fine-scale wetland composition using high resolution imagery and texture features
Z Szantoi, F Escobedo, A Abd-Elrahman, S Smith, L Pearlstine
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 23 …, 2013
A remote sensing technique for detecting laurel wilt disease in avocado in presence of other biotic and abiotic stresses
J Abdulridha, R Ehsani, A Abd-Elrahman, Y Ampatzidis
Computers and electronics in agriculture 156, 549-557, 2019
Analyzing Trade-Offs, Synergies, and Drivers among Timber Production, Carbon Sequestration, and Water Yield in Pinus elliotii Forests in Southeastern USA
R Cademus, FJ Escobedo, D McLaughlin, A Abd-Elrahman
Forests 5 (6), 1409-1431, 2014
Modeling soil parameters using hyperspectral image reflectance in subtropical coastal wetlands
NJP Anne, AH Abd-Elrahman, DB Lewis, NA Hewitt
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 33, 47-56, 2014
Deep convolutional neural network training enrichment using multi-view object-based analysis of Unmanned Aerial systems imagery for wetlands classification
T Liu, A Abd-Elrahman
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 139, 154-170, 2018
Development of pattern recognition algorithm for automatic bird detection from unmanned aerial vehicle imagery
A Abd-Elrahman, L Pearlstine, F Percival
Surveying and Land Information Science 65 (1), 37, 2005
Remote sensing and machine learning in crop phenotyping and management, with an emphasis on applications in strawberry farming
C Zheng, A Abd-Elrahman, V Whitaker
Remote Sensing 13 (3), 531, 2021
Active thermal imaging for immature citrus fruit detection
H Gan, WS Lee, V Alchanatis, A Abd-Elrahman
Biosystems Engineering 198, 291-303, 2020
Estimating soil total nitrogen in smallholder farm settings using remote sensing spectral indices and regression kriging
Y Xu, SE Smith, S Grunwald, A Abd-Elrahman, SP Wani, VD Nair
Catena 163, 111-122, 2018
Estimating aboveground biomass and carbon stocks in periurban Andean secondary forests using very high resolution imagery
N Clerici, K Rubiano, A Abd-Elrahman, JM Posada Hoestettler, ...
Forests 7 (7), 138, 2016
Incorporation of satellite remote sensing pan-sharpened imagery into digital soil prediction and mapping models to characterize soil property variability in small agricultural …
Y Xu, SE Smith, S Grunwald, A Abd-Elrahman, SP Wani
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 123, 1-19, 2017
In situ estimation of water quality parameters in freshwater aquaculture ponds using hyperspectral imaging system
A Abd-Elrahman, M Croxton, R Pande-Chettri, GS Toor, S Smith, J Hill
ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 66 (4), 463-472, 2011
Spatially-explicit modeling of multi-scale drivers of aboveground forest biomass and water yield in watersheds of the Southeastern United States
MAA Ahmed, A Abd-Elrahman, FJ Escobedo, WP Cropper Jr, TA Martin, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 199, 158-171, 2017
A framework for identifying carbon hotspots and forest management drivers
N Timilsina, FJ Escobedo, WP Cropper Jr, A Abd-Elrahman, TJ Brandeis, ...
Journal of environmental management 114, 293-302, 2013
A community-based urban forest inventory using online mapping services and consumer-grade digital images
AH Abd-Elrahman, ME Thornhill, MG Andreu, F Escobedo
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12 (4 …, 2010
Multi-view object-based classification of wetland land covers using unmanned aircraft system images
T Liu, A Abd-Elrahman
Remote Sensing of Environment 216, 122-138, 2018
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