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Peter Hudson
Peter Hudson
psu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Alıntı yapanlar
Tocilizumab in patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 (RECOVERY): a randomised, controlled, open-label, platform trial
RECOVERY Collaborative Group
Lancet (London, England) 397 (10285), 1637, 2021
Impacts of biodiversity on the emergence and transmission of infectious diseases
F Keesing, LK Belden, P Daszak, A Dobson, CD Harvell, RD Holt, ...
Nature 468 (7324), 647-652, 2010
Seasonality and the dynamics of infectious diseases
S Altizer, A Dobson, P Hosseini, P Hudson, M Pascual, P Rohani
Ecology letters 9 (4), 467-484, 2006
Is a healthy ecosystem one that is rich in parasites?
PJ Hudson, AP Dobson, KD Lafferty
Trends in ecology & evolution 21 (7), 381-385, 2006
Pathways to zoonotic spillover
RK Plowright, CR Parrish, H McCallum, PJ Hudson, AI Ko, AL Graham, ...
Nature Reviews Microbiology 15 (8), 502-510, 2017
Prevention of population cycles by parasite removal
PJ Hudson, AP Dobson, D Newborn
science 282 (5397), 2256-2258, 1998
The ecology of wildlife diseases
PJ Hudson, A Rizzoli, BT Grenfell, H Heesterbeek, AP Dobson
Oxford University Press, 2002
Epidemic dynamics at the human-animal interface
JO Lloyd-Smith, D George, KM Pepin, VE Pitzer, JRC Pulliam, AP Dobson, ...
science 326 (5958), 1362-1367, 2009
Do parasites make prey vulnerable to predation? Red grouse and parasites
PJ Hudson, AP Dobson, D Newborn
Journal of animal ecology, 681-692, 1992
Filling key gaps in population and community ecology
AA Agrawal, DD Ackerly, F Adler, AE Arnold, C Cáceres, DF Doak, E Post, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5 (3), 145-152, 2007
Ecological dynamics of emerging bat virus spillover
RK Plowright, P Eby, PJ Hudson, IL Smith, D Westcott, WL Bryden, ...
Proceedings of the royal society B: biological sciences 282 (1798), 20142124, 2015
Keeping the herds healthy and alert: implications of predator control for infectious disease
C Packer, RD Holt, PJ Hudson, KD Lafferty, AP Dobson
Ecology Letters 6 (9), 797-802, 2003
Negative effects of changing temperature on amphibian immunity under field conditions
TR Raffel, JR Rohr, JM Kiesecker, PJ Hudson
Functional Ecology, 819-828, 2006
Regulation and stability of a free-living host-parasite system: Trichostrongylus tenuis in red grouse. II. Population models
AP Dobson, PJ Hudson
Journal of Animal Ecology, 487-498, 1992
Parasites, disease and the structure of ecological communities
AP Dobson, PJ Hudson
Trends in ecology & evolution 1 (1), 11-15, 1986
Competition mediated by parasites: biological and theoretical progress
P Hudson, J Greenman
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 13 (10), 387-390, 1998
Regulation and stability of a free-living host-parasite system: Trichostrongylus tenuis in red grouse. I. Monitoring and parasite reduction experiments
PJ Hudson, D Newborn, AP Dobson
Journal of animal ecology, 477-486, 1992
Competition and mutualism among the gut helminths of a mammalian host
J Lello, B Boag, A Fenton, IR Stevenson, PJ Hudson
Nature 428 (6985), 840-844, 2004
Evaluating the links between climate, disease spread, and amphibian declines
JR Rohr, TR Raffel, JM Romansic, H McCallum, PJ Hudson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (45), 17436-17441, 2008
Deletion mapping and expression in Escherichia coli of the large genomic segment of a birnavirus
AA Azad, MN Jagadish, MA Brown, PJ Hudson
Virology 161 (1), 145-152, 1987
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