Takip et
Mário Costa
Mário Costa
ist.utl.pt üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Search for the standard model Higgs boson at LEP
TLEPWG for Higgs, ALEPH Collaboration, DELPHI Collaboration, ...
Physics Letters B 565, 61-75, 2003
Combined results of searches for the standard model Higgs boson in pp collisions at s= 7 TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physics Letters B 710 (1), 26-48, 2012
Precision luminosity measurement in proton–proton collisions at in 2015 and 2016 at CMS
AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, JW Andrejkovic, T Bergauer, ...
The European Physical Journal C 81, 1-42, 2021
Search for disappearing tracks in proton-proton collisions at TeV
V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2015 (1), 1-43, 2015
Performance of the ATLAS muon triggers in Run 2
ATLAS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.13447, 2020
Review on ammonia as a potential fuel: from synthesis to economics
A Valera-Medina, F Amer-Hatem, AK Azad, IC Dedoussi, M De Joannon, ...
Energy & Fuels 35 (9), 6964-7029, 2021
Energy calibration and resolution of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter in pp collisions at sqrt (s)= 7 TeV
CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:1306.2016, 2013
Measurement of the production cross section in the dilepton channel in pp collisions at TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (11), 1-40, 2012
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar burning velocities of NH3/air, NH3/H2/air, NH3/CO/air and NH3/CH4/air premixed flames
X Han, Z Wang, M Costa, Z Sun, Y He, K Cen
Combustion and Flame 206, 214-226, 2019
Measurement of theF 2 structure function in deep inelastice + p scattering using 1994 data from the ZEUS detector at HERA
Zeus Collaboration, M Derrick, D Krakauer, S Magill, D Mikunas, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C: Particles and Fields 72, 399-424, 1996
Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo
R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, C Adams, ...
SoftwareX 13, 100658, 2021
Search for new physics in the multijet and missing transverse momentum final state in proton-proton collisions at = 8 TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (6), 1-38, 2014
Ammonia as an energy vector: Current and future prospects for low-carbon fuel applications in internal combustion engines
JS Cardoso, V Silva, RC Rocha, MJ Hall, M Costa, D Eusébio
Journal of Cleaner Production 296, 126562, 2021
Measurement of the proton structure functionF 2 from the 1993 HERA data
Zeus Collaboration, M Derrick, D Krakauer, S Magill, B Musgrave, ...
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields 65, 379-398, 1995
Evidence for Higgs boson decay to a pair of muons
AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, T Bergauer, M Dragicevic, J Erö, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (1), 1-68, 2021
Measurement of the cross section and angular correlations for associated production of a Z boson with b hadrons in pp collisions at = 7 TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2013 (12), 1-38, 2013
Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson Decaying into two Photons in pp Collisions at s= 7TeV
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Physics Letters B 710 (3), 403-425, 2012
Performance of the CMS hadron calorimeter with cosmic ray muons and LHC beam data
CMS collaboration
Journal of Instrumentation 5 (03), T03012, 2010
Search for anomalous production in the highly-boosted all-hadronic final state
S Chatrchyan, V Khachatryan, AM Sirunyan, A Tumasyan, W Adam, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (9), 1-41, 2012
Measurements of H production and the CP structure of the Yukawa interaction between the Higgs boson and the top quark in the diphoton decay channel
CMS collaboration
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.10866, 2020
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