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Azmy S. Ackleh
Azmy S. Ackleh
louisiana.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Classical and modern numerical analysis: Theory, methods and practice
AS Ackleh, EJ Allen, RB Kearfott, P Seshaiyer
Crc Press, 2009
Competitive exclusion and coexistence for pathogens in an epidemic model with variable population size
AS Ackleh, LJS Allen
Journal of mathematical biology 47, 153-168, 2003
Modeling aggregation and growth processes in an algal population model: analysis and computations
AS Ackleh, BG Fitzpatrick
Journal of Mathematical Biology 35, 480-502, 1997
The use of surrogate species in risk assessment: using life history data to safeguard against false negatives
JE Banks, AS Ackleh, JD Stark
Risk Analysis: An International Journal 30 (2), 175-182, 2010
Assessing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact on marine mammal population through acoustics: endangered sperm whales
AS Ackleh, GE Ioup, JW Ioup, B Ma, JJ Newcomb, N Pal, NA Sidorovskaia, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (3), 2306-2314, 2012
An implicit finite difference scheme for the nonlinear size-structured population model
AS Ackleh, K Ito
Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 18 (9-10), 865-884, 1997
A quasilinear hierarchical size-structured model: well-posedness and approximation
AS Ackleh, K Deng, S Hu
Applied Mathematics and Optimization 51, 35-59, 2005
Invasion, disturbance, and competition: modeling the fate of coastal plant populations
S Pathikonda, AS Ackleh, KH Hasenstein, S Mopper
Conservation Biology 23 (1), 164-173, 2009
Competitive exclusion in SIS and SIR epidemic models with total cross immunity and density-dependent host mortality
AS Ackleh, LJS Allen
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B 5, 175-188, 2005
Establishing a beachhead: a stochastic population model with an Allee effect applied to species invasion
AS Ackleh, LJS Allen, J Carter
Theoretical Population Biology 71 (3), 290-300, 2007
Giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) population dynamics and bamboo (subfamily Bambusoideae) life history: a structured population approach to examining carrying capacity when …
J Carter, AS Ackleh, BP Leonard, H Wang
Ecological Modelling 123 (2-3), 207-223, 1999
A finite difference approximation for a coupled system of nonlinear size-structured populations
AS Ackleh, HT Banks, K Deng
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory Methods and Applications 50, 727-748, 2002
Rate distributions and survival of the fittest: a formulation on the space of measures
A Ackleh, B Fitzpatrick, H Thieme
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B 5 (4), 917, 2005
A structured erythropoiesis model with nonlinear cell maturation velocity and hormone decay rate
AS Ackleh, K Deng, K Ito, J Thibodeaux
Mathematical biosciences 204 (1), 21-48, 2006
Survival of the fittest in a generalized logistic model
AS Ackleh, DF Marshall, HE Heatherly, BG Fitzpatrick
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 9 (09), 1379-1391, 1999
Parameter estimation in a structured algal coagulation-fragmentation model
AS Ackleh
Nonlinear Analysis 28 (5), 837-854, 1997
Measure-valued solutions for a hierarchically size-structured population
AS Ackleh, K Ito
Journal of Differential Equations 217 (2), 431-455, 2005
Deconstructing the Surrogate Species Concept: A Life History Approach to the Protection of Ecosystem Services
JE Banks, J Stark, RI Vargas, AS Ackleh
Ecological Applications 24, 770–778, 2014
Evolutionary game theory on measure spaces: well-posedness
J Cleveland, AS Ackleh
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 14 (1), 785-797, 2013
Existence-uniqueness and long time behavior for a class of nonlocal nonlinear parabolic evolution equations
A Ackleh, L Ke
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (12), 3483-3492, 2000
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