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Lawrence Maheady
Lawrence Maheady
SUNY Distinguished Professor, Buffalo State College
buffalostate.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Peer interaction in reading comprehension instruction
AS Palincsar, AL Brown, SM Martin
Educational psychologist 22 (3-4), 231-253, 1987
Classwide peer tutoring with mildly handicapped high school students
L Maheady, MK Sacca, GF Harper
Exceptional Children 55 (1), 52-59, 1988
Classwide Peer Tutoring Programs.
CR Greenwood, L Maheady, J Delquadri
National Association of School Psychologists, 2002
Peer-mediated instruction and interventions and students with mild disabilities
L Maheady, GF Harper, B Mallette
Remedial and Special Education 22 (1), 4-14, 2001
High leverage practices for inclusive classrooms
J McLeskey, L Maheady, BS Billingsley, MT Brownell, TJ Lewis
Routledge, 2022
Peer tutoring and students with emotional or behavioral disorders: A review of the literature
VG Spencer
Behavioral Disorders 31 (2), 204-222, 2006
Effects of numbered heads together on the daily quiz scores and on-task behavior of students with disabilities
T Haydon, L Maheady, W Hunter
Journal of Behavioral Education 19 (3), 222-238, 2010
Classwide peer tutoring: Practice, theory, research, and personal narrative
L Maheady, J Gard
Intervention in School and Clinic 46 (2), 71-78, 2010
Measurable change in student performance: Forgotten standard in teacher preparation?
CR Greenwood, L Maheady
Teacher Education and Special Education 20 (3), 265-275, 1997
Disparities in work conditions among early career special educators in high-and low-poverty districts
AM Fall, BS Billingsley
Remedial and Special Education 32 (1), 64-78, 2011
What are high-leverage practices for special education teachers and why are they important?
J McLeskey, B Billingsley, MT Brownell, L Maheady, TJ Lewis
Remedial and Special Education 40 (6), 331-337, 2019
Learning to Teach: Practice-Based Preparation in Teacher Education. Special Issues Brief.
A Benedict, L Holdheide, M Brownell, AM Foley
Center on Great Teachers and Leaders, 2016
Numbered heads together as a tier 1 instructional strategy in multitiered systems of support
WC Hunter, L Maheady, AD Jasper, RL Williamson, RC Murley, E Stratton
Education and Treatment of Children 38 (3), 345-362, 2015
The Regular Education Initiative: What do three groups of education professionals think?
JC Davis, L Maheady
Teacher Education and Special Education 14 (4), 211-220, 1991
An early field-based experience and its impact on pre-service candidates' teaching practice and their pupils' outcomes
L Maheady, M Jabot, J Rey, J Michielli-Pendl
Teacher Education and Special Education 30 (1), 24-33, 2007
Classwide peer tutoring
C Arreaga-Mayer, BJ Terry, CR Greenwood
Peer-assisted learning, 105-120, 1998
Preparing preservice teachers to implement class wide peer tutoring
L Maheady, GF Harper, B Mallette, M Karnes
Teacher Education and Special Education 27 (4), 408-418, 2004
Field experiences and instructional pedagogies in teacher education: What we know, don't know, and must learn soon
L Maheady, C Smith, M Jabot
Handbook of research on special education teacher preparation, 161-177, 2014
School–university partnerships: One institution’s efforts to integrate and support teacher use of high-leverage practices
LJ Maheady, AL Patti, LA Rafferty, P del Prado Hill
Remedial and Special Education 40 (6), 356-364, 2019
Assessment of health knowledge in preschoolers
CE Mobley
Children's health care 25 (1), 11-18, 1996
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