Takip et
Michael R. Hill
Michael R. Hill
Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Davis
ucdavis.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Residual stress, stress relief, and inhomogeneity in aluminum plate
MB Prime, MR Hill
Scripta materialia 46 (1), 77-82, 2002
The effects of laser peening and shot peening on high cycle fatigue in 7050-T7451 aluminum alloy
H Luong, MR Hill
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (3), 699-707, 2010
The effects of laser peening and shot peening on fretting fatigue in Ti–6Al–4V coupons
KK Liu, MR Hill
Tribology International 42 (9), 1250-1262, 2009
Uncertainty, model error, and order selection for series-expanded, residual-stress inverse solutions
MB Prime, MR Hill
Through-thickness distributions of residual stresses in two extreme heat-input thick welds: A neutron diffraction, contour method and deep hole drilling study
W Woo, GB An, EJ Kingston, AT DeWald, DJ Smith, MR Hill
Acta Materialia 61 (10), 3564-3574, 2013
Assessment of tensile residual stress mitigation in alloy 22 welds due to laser peening
AT DeWald, JE Rankin, MR Hill, MJ Lee, HL Chen
J. Eng. Mater. Technol. 126 (4), 465-473, 2004
Reducing residual stress by selective large-area diode surface heating during laser powder bed fusion additive manufacturing
JD Roehling, WL Smith, TT Roehling, B Vrancken, GM Guss, JT McKeown, ...
Additive Manufacturing 28, 228-235, 2019
Effect of compressive residual stress introduced by cavitation peening and shot peening on the improvement of fatigue strength of stainless steel
H Soyama, CR Chighizola, MR Hill
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 288, 116877, 2021
The effects of laser peening on high-cycle fatigue in 7085-T7651 aluminum alloy
H Luong, MR Hill
Materials Science and Engineering: A 477 (1-2), 208-216, 2008
The inherent strain method for residual stress determination and its application to a long welded joint
MR Hill, DV Nelson
ASME-PUBLICATIONS-PVP 318, 343-352, 1995
The effect of residual stresses on brittle and ductile fracture initiation predicted by micromechanical models
TL Panontin, MR Hill
International Journal of Fracture 82, 317-333, 1996
Multi-axial contour method for mapping residual stresses in continuously processed bodies
AT DeWald, MR Hill
Experimental Mechanics 46, 473-490, 2006
The slitting method
MR Hill
Practical residual stress measurement methods, 89-108, 2013
Effect of interlayers and scanning strategies on through-thickness residual stress distributions in additive manufactured ferritic-austenitic steel structure
W Woo, DK Kim, EJ Kingston, V Luzin, F Salvemini, MR Hill
Materials Science and Engineering: A 744, 618-629, 2019
Residual stress mapping in welds using the contour method
Y Zhang, S Pratihar, ME Fitzpatrick, L Edwards
Materials science forum 490, 294-299, 2005
Estimation of uncertainty for contour method residual stress measurements
MD Olson, AT DeWald, MB Prime, MR Hill
Experimental Mechanics 55, 577-585, 2015
Residual stress and fatigue life in laser shock peened open hole samples
SD Cuellar, MR Hill, AT DeWald, JE Rankin
International Journal of Fatigue 44, 8-13, 2012
The effects of process variations on residual stress in laser peened 7049 T73 aluminum alloy
JE Rankin, MR Hill, LA Hackel
Materials Science and Engineering: A 349 (1-2), 279-291, 2003
Eigenstrain-based model for prediction of laser peening residual stresses in arbitrary three-dimensional bodies Part 1: Model description
AT DeWald, MR Hill
The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design 44 (1), 1-11, 2009
Outcomes and conclusions from the 2018 AM-bench measurements, challenge problems, modeling submissions, and conference
L Levine, B Lane, J Heigel, K Migler, M Stoudt, T Phan, R Ricker, ...
Integrating Materials and Manufacturing Innovation 9, 1-15, 2020
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