Gender and entrepreneurship: a review and process model DM Sullivan, WR Meek Journal of Managerial Psychology 27 (5), 428-458, 2012 | 541 | 2012 |
Knowledge acquisition, network reliance, and early‐stage technology venture outcomes DM Sullivan, MR Marvel Journal of Management Studies 48 (6), 1169-1193, 2011 | 312 | 2011 |
How entrepreneurs use networks to address changing resource requirements during early venture development DM Sullivan, CM Ford Entrepreneurship theory and practice 38 (3), 551-574, 2014 | 277 | 2014 |
A time for everything: How the timing of novel contributions influences project team outcomes C Ford, DM Sullivan Journal of Organizational Behavior 25 (2), 279-292, 2004 | 198 | 2004 |
The alignment of measures and constructs in organizational research: The case of testing measurement models of creativity DM Sullivan, CM Ford Journal of Business and Psychology 25 (3), 505-521, 2010 | 137 | 2010 |
Stimulating social entrepreneurship: Can support from cities make a difference? DM Sullivan The Academy of Management Perspectives 21 (1), 77-78, 2007 | 117 | 2007 |
How entrepreneurs' knowledge and network ties relate to the number of employees in new SMEs D Sullivan, M Marvel Journal of Small Business Management 49 (2), 185-206, 2011 | 101 | 2011 |
The new conduct of business: How LMX can help capitalize on cultural diversity D Sullivan, M Mitchell, M Uhl-Bien Dealing with diversity, 183-218, 2003 | 93 | 2003 |
A Gender-Aware Study of Self-Leadership Strategies Among High-Growth Entrepreneurs BL Bendell, DM Sullivan, MR Marvel Journal of Small Business Management 57 (1), 110-130, 2019 | 79 | 2019 |
With a little help from my friends? How learning activities and network ties impact performance for high tech startups in incubators DM Sullivan, MR Marvel, MT Wolfe Technovation 101, 102209, 2021 | 44 | 2021 |
Gender, technology and decision-making: insights from an experimental conjoint analysis BL Bendell, DM Sullivan, KJ Hanek International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 26 (4), 647-670, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Minority entrepreneurs: More likely to try, but less likely to succeed? DM Sullivan The Academy of Management Perspectives 21 (1), 78-79, 2007 | 34 | 2007 |
How Fear of “Looming Megacatastrophes” Alters Entrepreneurial Activity Rates through Psychological Distance B Bendell, DM Sullivan, S Ornstein Academy of Management Perspectives 34 (4), 585-602, 2020 | 31 | 2020 |
Help: Lonely at work! Managerial interventions to combat employee loneliness DM Sullivan, BL Bendell Business Horizons, 2023 | 23 | 2023 |
A multi-level process view of new venture emergence CM Ford, DM Sullivan Multi-level issues in creativity and innovation, 423-470, 2008 | 20 | 2008 |
Accelerating Sales in Start‐Ups: A Domain Planning, Network Reliance, and Resource Complementary Perspective MR Marvel, DM Sullivan, MT Wolfe Journal of Small Business Management 57 (3), 1086-1101, 2019 | 19 | 2019 |
The relationship between novelty and value in the assessment of organizational creativity DM Sullivan, CM Ford The International Journal of Creativity & Problem Solving 15 (2), 117-131, 2005 | 18 | 2005 |
Promoting Regional Entrepreneurship through University, Government, and Industry Alliances: Initiatives from Florida's High Tech Corridor CM Ford, T O'Neal, DM Sullivan Journal of Small Business & Entrepreneurship 23 (sup1), 691-708, 2010 | 13 | 2010 |
Gender differences in entrepreneurial relationships within the franchise context WR Meek, DM Sullivan, J Mueller Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship 19 (04), 1450026, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |