Takip et
Toby Dragon
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Affect-aware tutors: recognising and responding to student affect
B Woolf, W Burleson, I Arroyo, T Dragon, D Cooper, R Picard
International Journal of Learning Technology 4 (3-4), 129-164, 2009
Repairing disengagement with non-invasive interventions
I Arroyo, K Ferguson, J Johns, T Dragon, H Meheranian, D Fisher, A Barto, ...
AIED 2007, 195-202, 2007
Viewing student affect and learning through classroom observation and physical sensors
T Dragon, I Arroyo, BP Woolf, W Burleson, R El Kaliouby, H Eydgahi
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 9th International Conference, ITS 2008 …, 2008
Metafora: A web-based platform for learning to learn together in science and mathematics
T Dragon, M Mavrikis, BM McLaren, A Harrer, C Kynigos, R Wegerif, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 6 (3), 197-207, 2013
Learning to learn together with CSCL tools
BB Schwarz, R De Groot, M Mavrikis, T Dragon
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 10, 239-271, 2015
Coaching within a domain independent inquiry environment
T Dragon, BP Woolf, D Marshall, T Murray
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 8th International Conference, ITS 2006 …, 2006
Objects: Visualization of behavior and state
W Dann, T Dragon, S Cooper, K Dietzler, K Ryan, R Pausch
ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 35 (3), 84-88, 2003
Using undergraduate teaching assistants in small classes
PE Dickson, T Dragon, A Lee
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2017
Critical Thinking Environments for Science Education.
BP Woolf, T Murray, D Marshall, T Dragon, K Kohler, M Mattingly, M Bruno, ...
AIED, 702-709, 2005
Recognizing dialogue content in student collaborative conversation
T Dragon, M Floryan, B Woolf, T Murray
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 10th International Conference, ITS 2010 …, 2010
Scaffolding collaborative learning opportunities: Integrating microworld use and argumentation
T Dragon, BM McLaren, M Mavrikis, E Geraniou
Advances in User Modeling: UMAP 2011 Workshops, Girona, Spain, July 11-15 …, 2012
Recognizing and responding to student affect
B Woolf, T Dragon, I Arroyo, D Cooper, W Burleson, K Muldner
Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient, Ubiquitous and Intelligent Interaction …, 2009
Memory Diagrams: A Consistant Approach Across Concepts and Languages
T Dragon, PE Dickson
Proceedings of the 47th ACM technical symposium on computing science …, 2016
Argument diagrams in Facebook: Facilitating the formation of scientifically sound opinions
D Tsovaltzi, A Weinberger, O Scheuer, T Dragon, BM McLaren
21st Century Learning for 21st Century Skills: 7th European Conference of …, 2012
Intelligent Coaching for Collaboration in Ill-Defined Domains
T Dragon, B Woolf, T Murray
Artificial Intelligence in Education, 740-742, 2009
Who needs help? Automating student assessment within exploratory learning environments
M Floryan, T Dragon, N Basit, S Dragon, B Woolf
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 17th International Conference, AIED …, 2015
Collaborative learning in Facebook: Can argument structure facilitate academic opinion change?
D Tsovaltzi, A Weinberger, O Scheuer, T Dragon, BM McLaren
International Society of the Learning Sciences, 2013
Understanding and advising students from within inquiry tutors
T Dragon, BP Woolf
Proceedings of the AIED 2007 Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Inquiry …, 2007
Evaluating Inquiry Learning Through Recognition-Based Tasks.
T Murray, K Rath, BP Woolf, D Marshall, M Bruno, T Dragon, K Kohler, ...
AIED, 515-522, 2005
Woolf. BP (2007). Repairing disengagement with non-invasive interventions
I Arroyo, K Ferguson, J Johns, T Dragon, H Meheranian, D Fisher, A Barto, ...
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 0
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