Adaptation and the goals of evolutionary research HK Reeve, PW Sherman The Quarterly Review of Biology 68 (1), 1-32, 1993 | 730 | 1993 |
Polistes. HK Reeve | 655 | 1991 |
The evolution of conspecific acceptance thresholds HK Reeve The American Naturalist 133 (3), 407-435, 1989 | 628 | 1989 |
Partitioning of reproduction in animal societies L Keller, HK Reeve Trends in Ecology & Evolution 9 (3), 98-102, 1994 | 580 | 1994 |
Inclusive fitness theory and eusociality P Abbot, J Abe, J Alcock, S Alizon, JAC Alpedrinha, M Andersson, ... Nature 471 (7339), E1-E4, 2011 | 564 | 2011 |
Recognition systems PW Sherman, H Reeve, D Pfennig | 562 | 1997 |
DNA" fingerprinting" reveals high levels of inbreeding in colonies of the eusocial naked mole-rat. HK Reeve, DF Westneat, WA Noon, PW Sherman, CF Aquadro Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87 (7), 2496-2500, 1990 | 519 | 1990 |
The eusociality continuum PW Sherman, EA Lacey, HK Reeve, L Keller Behavioral Ecology 6 (1), 102-108, 1995 | 472 | 1995 |
Why do females mate with multiple males? The sexually selected sperm hypothesis L Keller, HK Reeve Advances in the Study of Behavior 24, 291-315, 1995 | 468 | 1995 |
Parasites, pathogens, and polyandry in social Hymenoptera PW Sherman, TD Seeley, HK Reeve The American Naturalist 131 (4), 602-610, 1988 | 411 | 1988 |
Reproductive sharing in animal societies: reproductive incentives or incomplete control by dominant breeders? HK Reeve, ST Emlen, L Keller Behavioral Ecology 9 (3), 267-278, 1998 | 405 | 1998 |
Queen-queen conflicts in polygynous societies: mutual tolerance and reproductive skew HK Reeve, FLW Ratnieks Queen number and sociality in insects, 45-85, 1993 | 373 | 1993 |
Conflict in single-queen hymenopteran societies: the structure of conflict and processes that reduce conflict in advanced eusocial species FLW Ratnieks, HK Reeve Journal of Theoretical Biology 158 (1), 33-65, 1992 | 334 | 1992 |
Game theory and animal behavior LA Dugatkin, HK Reeve Oxford University Press, 2000 | 325 | 2000 |
The emergence of a superorganism through intergroup competition HK Reeve, B Hölldobler Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (23), 9736-9740, 2007 | 315 | 2007 |
The evolution and ontogeny of nestmate recognition in social wasps GJ Gamboa, HK Reeve, DW Pfennig Annual review of entomology 31 (1), 431-454, 1986 | 303 | 1986 |
Estimating effective paternity number in social insects and the effective number of alleles in a population R Nielsen, DR Tarpy, HK Reeve Molecular ecology 12 (11), 3157-3164, 2003 | 267 | 2003 |
Signaling individual identity versus quality: a model and case studies with ruffs, queleas, and house finches J Dale, DB Lank, HK Reeve The American Naturalist 158 (1), 75-86, 2001 | 262 | 2001 |
Tests of reproductive-skew models in social insects HK Reeve, L Keller Annual review of entomology 46 (1), 347-385, 2001 | 260 | 2001 |
Improved hybridization conditions for DNA ‘fingerprints’ probed with M13 DF Westneat, WA Noon, HK Reeve, CF Aquadro Nucleic acids research 16 (9), 4161-4161, 1988 | 259 | 1988 |